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Part 1. Foundation
1. Blockchain in a Nutshell (Tran,Krishnamachari)
2. Blockchain Peer-to-peer Network: Performance and Security (Thai, Doan, Liu, Liu, Li, Zhou, Dinh)
3. Consensus Algorithms for Blockchain (Kim, Kwon)
4. Blockchain Incentive Design and Analysis (Niu, Feng)
5. Cross-Blockchain Transactions: Systems, Protocols, and Topological Theory (Zhao)
Part 2. Scalability
6. Scaling Blockchains and the Case for Ethereum (Asgaonkar)
7. Building Protocols for Scalable Decentralized Applications (Mast)
8. Information-Theoretic Approaches to Scalable Blockchain Systems and Distributed Trust (Raman, Varshney)
Part 3. Trust and Security
9. On Trust, Blockchain, and Reputation Systems (Rodrigues, Franco, Killer, Scheid, Stiller)
10. Blockchain for Trust and Reputation Management in Cyber-physical Systems (Putra, Dedeoglu, Kanhere, Jurdak)
11. Advances in Blockchain Security (Nguyen, Jeter, Thai)
12. Formal Verification of Blockchain Byzantine Fault Tolerance (Tholoniat, Gramoli)
Part 4. Decentralized Finance
13. Constant Function Market Makers: Multi-asset Trades via Convex Optimization (Angeris, Agrawal, Evans, Chitra, Boyd)
14. Stablecoins: Reducing the Volatility of Cryptocurrencies (Kahya, Krishnamachari, Yun)
15. Central Bank Digital Currencies (Pocher, Veneris). - Part 5. Application and Policy
16. Ocean Protocol: Tools for the Web3 Data Economy (McConaghy)
17. Blockchain in Supply Chain: Opportunities and Design Considerations (Ramachandran, Malik, Pal, Dorri, Dedeoglu, Kanhere, Jurdak)
18. Tokenization of Assets (Bala)
19. The New Economy of Movement (Vo, Ballinger)
20. Blockchain-based data management for Smart Transportation (Zichichi, Ferretii, D'Angelo)
21. Crypto Regulation and the Case for Europe (Sandner, Ferreira, Dunser). - 22. Economic Perspectives on the Governance of Blockchains (Murtazashvili, Weiss).

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