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Chapter 1. Teaching Students Professionally Based Foreign Language Communication in the Era of Digitalization
Chapter 2. Possibility of Digital Technology Use to Improve the Efficiency of Economic Entities Interaction
Chapter 3. Mutual Investment Funds Under Financial Instability
Chapter 4. International Legal and Economic Aspects of Regulation of Digital Technologies and Artificial Intelligence
Chapter 5. Innovative Approach to Starting of Outsourcing Company
Chapter 6. Implementability of a Process Approach to Strategic Management in the Conditions of Digitalization
Chapter 7. Research on the Effects of "Deepfake" Technology for the Modern Digital Space
Chapter 8. Innovative Capital as Difficult to Identify Factor of Production
Chapter 9. Challenges in Professional Translation: Implications for Linguistic Education and the Modern Digital Economy
Chapter 10. The Quality of the Digital Ecosystem in the Financial Sector
Chapter 11. Human Potential in the Sustainable Development of Regions
Chapter 12. Labour Resources Use in the National Economy: G7 and Russia Comparative Analysis
Chapter 13. Formation of a Comprehensive "Tourism and Travel" Digital Platform in the Russian Federation
Chapter 14. Promoting Film Tourism as a Marketing Promotion of Audiovisual Products in the Russian Media Market
Chapter 15. Law in the Era of Digitalization
Chapter 16. Teachers Identity in Online ESP and Music Education. Teachers Primus Inter Pares Factor
Chapter 17. Economic Mechanism for Assessing the Efficiency of the Department as a Business Unit of a Higher Educational Institution
Chapter 18. Digital Business Models in the Manufacturing Sector
Chapter 19. Increasing of the Technological Cooperation Efficiency in the Context of Digitalization
Chapter 20. Business Models Transformation in Light Industry in the Context of Digitalization
Chapter 21. Constitutional Principles of Forming the Foundations of the Digital Economy in the Russian Federation
Chapter 22. Optimization of Control in the Management of Transport Business Objects Using the Game Theory Methods
Chapter 23. Regulatory Regulation of the Issue and Circulation of Digital Currencies in the Countries of the Modern World
Chapter 24. Socio-economic Factors Determining the Genuine Savings
Chapter 25. Translation in the Era of Digitalization: Slang Rendering in Tv Series
Chapter 26. Some Aspects of the Introduction of the Digital Ruble into the Russian Economic and Legal Space
Chapter 27. Three-dimensional Copy of a Three-dimensional Copy: Database of Estampages of Proto-Bulgarian Inscriptions
Chapter 28. Development of Industry 4.0: a Practical Case Study from the Netherlands
Chapter 29. The Transformation of Corporate Management Business Processes in the Context of the Digitalization of the National Economy
Chapter 30. Business Models in Clothing Market: Value Proposal Specific
Chapter 31. Assessment of the Impact of the Economy Digitalization on GRP Dynamics: The Regional Aspect
Chapter 32. Impact of the ESG Principles on the Corporate Financial Strategy
Chapter 33. Student' Attitude to Digital Entrepreneurship
Chapter 34. Organizational-economic Mechanism for Monitoring University Activities Under the Conditions of Digitalization
Chapter 35. Transformation of Financial Relations Under the Digital Economy in the Forest Industry
Chapter 36. Artificial Intelligence Technologies in the Implementation of the E-navigation Concept
Chapter 37. Application of Digital Simulation Models of Railway Transport Polygons
Chapter 38. Development of a GIS Model "World Heritage" to Assess the Tourist and Recreational Potential of the Territory
Chapter 39. World Labor Market: The Influence on State Economic Security
Chapter 40. Financial Inclusion of Rural Areas in the Conditions of Digitalization: Studies in Europe and Russia
Chapter 41. Evolution of Payment Instruments and Their Development in the Digital Economy
Chapter 42. Electric Power Industry of Russia in the Transition to a Low-carbon Economy
Chapter 43. Cryptocurrency Development in Russia
Chapter 44. Mechanism for the Development of the National Digital Services Market
Chapter 45. Silver Economy of a Megapolis: St. Petersburg Case Study
Chapter 46. Digitalization of Electricity Suppliers' Activities in the Arctic Zone
Chapter 47. The System of Mechanisms for Improving Russia's Industrial Policy While Expanding Industrial Network Interaction with the Republic of Belarus
Chapter 48. Adaptation of the Terminological and Lexical System in the Field of Customs to the Modern Conditions of Digitalization and Sustainable Development
Chapter 49. New Technologies of Financial Support of Municipalities
Chapter 50. Digitalization of Modern Educational Processes and Improvement of Inclusive Programs
Chapter 51. Analysis of Instruments and Restrictions of Foreign Trade Before and During the Pandemic
Chapter 52. Transformation of Logistics Systems in the Context of Digitalization
Chapter 53. Efficiency of Business Models Based on Innovations (Additive Technologies) in a Circular Economy
Chapter 54. Auditors in Russia: Entry into the Profession
Chapter 55. Analysis and Forecast of Labor Immigration to Japan in 2009-2019
Chapter 56. Assessment of Indirect Economic Benefit from the Introduction of Electricity Storage Systems
Chapter 57. Estimation of Innovative Indicators as Growth Dynamics Indicator
Chapter 58. Project Management: University Leaders Willingness.

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