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2.5 Some Applications of Mackey Theory to Clifford Theory
2.6 The G-Action on the N-Conjugacy Classes
2.7 Real, Complex, and Quaternionic Representations and Clifford Theory
2.8 Semidirect Products with an Abelian Normal Subgroup
2.9 Semidirect Products of Abelian Groups
2.10 Representation Theory of Wreath Products of Finite Groups
2.11 Multiplicity-Free Normal Subgroups
3 Abelian Extensions
3.1 The Dual Action
3.2 The Conjugation Action
3.3 The Intermediary Representations
3.4 Diagrammatic Summaries
4 The Little Group Method for Abelian Extensions

4.1 General Theory
4.2 Normal Subgroups with the Prime Condition
4.3 Normal Subgroups of Prime Index
4.4 The Case of Index Two Subgroups
5 Examples and Applications
5.1 Representation Theory and Conjugacy Classes of the Symmetric Groups Sn
5.2 Conjugacy Classes of An
5.3 The Irreducible Representations of An
5.4 Ambivalence of the Groups An
5.5 An Application to Isaacs' Going Down Theorem
5.6 Another Application: Analysis of p2-Extensions
5.7 Representation Theory of Finite Metacyclic Groups
5.8 Examples: Dihedral and Generalized Quaternion Groups

6 Central Extensions and the Orbit Method
6.1 Central Extensions
6.2 2-Divisible Abelian Groups, Equalized Cocycles, and Schur Multipliers
6.3 Lie Rings
6.4 The Cocycle Decomposition
6.5 The Malcev Correspondence
6.6 The Orbit Method
6.7 More on the Orbit Method: Induced Representations
6.8 More on the Orbit Method: Restricting to a Subgroup
6.9 The Orbit Method for the Finite Heisenberg Group
6.10 Restricting from Hqt to Hq
6.11 The Little Group Method for the Heisenberg Group
7 Representations of Finite Group Extensions via Projective Representations

7.1 Mackey Obstruction
7.2 Unitary Projective Representations
7.3 The Dual of a Group Extension
7.4 Central Extensions and the Finite Heisenberg Group
7.5 Analysis of the Commutant
7.6 The Hecke Algebra
8 Induced Projective Representations
8.1 Basic Theory
8.2 Mackey's Theory for Induced Projective Representations
9 Clifford Theory for Projective Representations
9.1 Preliminaries and Notation
9.2 Basic Clifford Theory for Projective Representations
9.3 Projective Unitary Representations of a Group Extension

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