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Symbol Definition List
1. Fourier Analysis: A Brief
2. Weakly Stationary Processes and their Spectral Measures
3. Spectral Representation of Stationary Processes
4. Birkhoffs Ergodic Theorem
5. Subadditive Ergodic Theory
6. An Introduction to Dynamical Systems
7. Markov Chains
8. Markov Processes with General State Space
9. Stopping Times and the Strong Markov Property
10. Transience and Recurrence of Markov Chains
11. BirthDeath Chains
12. Hitting Probabilities & Absorption
13. Law of Large Numbers and Invariant Probability for Markov Chains by Renewal Decomposition
14. The Central Limit Theorem for Markov Chains by Renewal Decomposition
15. Martingale Central Limit Theorem
16. Stationary Ergodic Markov Processes: SLLN & FCLT
17. Linear Markov Processes
18. Markov Processes Generated by Iterations of I.I.D. Maps
19. A Splitting Condition and Geometric Rates of Convergence to Equilibrium
20. Irreducibility and Harris Recurrent Markov Processes
21. An Extended PerronFrobenius Theorem and Large Deviation Theory for Markov Processes
22. Special Topic: Applications of Large Deviation Theory
23. Special Topic: Associated Random Fields, Positive Dependence, FKG Inequalities
24. Special Topic: More on Coupling Methods and Applications
25. Special Topic: An Introduction to Kalman Filter
A. Spectral Theorem for Compact Self-Adjoint Operators and Mercers Theorem
B. Spectral Theorem for Bounded Self-Adjoint Operators
C. Borel Equivalence for Polish Spaces
D. HahnBanach, Separation, and Representation Theorems in Functional Analysis
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