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Notes on Contributors
Origins and Evolutions: The Brutal History of Detective Fiction
Animals in Detective Fiction
Works Cited
Tigers, Criminals, Rogues: Animality in Dickens' Detective Fiction
Tigers and Rogues
Animal Expressions
Animals before the Law
Works Cited
Quantum Entanglements in Arthur Conan Doyle's The Hound of the Baskervilles
Works Cited
Wolverines, Werewolves and Demon Dogs: Animality, Criminality and Classification in James Ellroy's L.A. Quartet

"Werewolf Murder": Identity, Monstrosity and "Otherness" in The Black Dahlia
The "Wolverine Monster": Destabilising the Human-Animal Binary
Works Cited
The Psittacine Witness: Parrot Talk and Animal Ethics in Earl Derr Biggers' The Chinese Parrot and Earl Stanley Gardner's The Case of the Perjured Parrot
Enlightenment Parrots
Grief and Race in The Chinese Parrot
The Logic of the Commodity in The Case of the Perjured Parrot
Works Cited
Ecology, Capability and Companion Species: Conflicting Ethics in Nevada Barr's Blood Lure

Conventions and Policies
Ecological Ethics and the Image of the Species
Capability Ethics and the Image of Fear
Companion Species Ethics and the Image of Brother Bear
Discussion and Conclusion
Works Cited
Laboratory Tech-Noir: Genre, Narrative Form, and the Literary Model Organism in Jay Hosking's Three Years with the Rat
Grace, 2006: The Model Organism, Scientific Epistemology, and Mystery
John, 2007: Corporeal Equivalence and Empathy
Buddy, 2008: Beyond Laboratory Labour as Model Organism Agency
The Other Side: Sacrificial Companionship and Mourning
Works Cited

Reptiles, Buddhism, and Detection in John Burdett's Bangkok 8
Ethics and Orientalism
Detection, Animal Reincarnation, Karma
Bangkok 8 and Reptiles
Enlightened Detection
Works Cited
Animals, Biopolitics, and Sensation Fiction: M. E. Braddon's Lady Audley's Secret
Works Cited
"The Motto of the Mollusc": Patricia Highsmith and the Semiotics of Snails
Snail Watching: Highsmith and the Tradition of Animals in Detective Stories
Living to Build One's House: The Value of Snails in Deep Water
Coda: The Mollusc Lives On

Works Cited
"Before the white man came, when animals still talked": Colonial Creatures in Sherman Alexie's Indian Killer and Adrian C. Louis's Skins
Introduction: We Are All Animals
"The tree grows heavy with owls": Animal Mythology in Sherman Alexie's Indian Killer
"Remember, human beings don't control anything. Spirits do": Trickster Discourse in Adrian C. Louis's Skins
Conclusion: We Will Always Be Animals
Works Cited
Aping the Classics: Terry Pratchett's Satirical Animals and Detective Fiction
I: "The Curious Incident of the Orang-utan in the Night-time"

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