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Computer Vision
Automated On-Vehicle Road Defect Data Collection and Detection
Vision Transformer Based Model for Describing a Set of Images as a Story
Diverse Audio-to-Video GAN using Multiscale Image Fusion
Zero-shot Personality Perception From Facial Images
Multi-view based clustering of 3D LiDAR point clouds for intelligent vehicles
Deep Learning
FDGATII : Fast Dynamic Graph Attention with Initial Residual and Identity
SG-Shuffle: Multi-aspect Shuffle Transformer for Scene Graph Generation
Explainable Detection of Microplastics Using Transformer Neural Networks
EDE-NAS: An Eclectic Differential Evolution Approach to Single-Path Neural Architecture Search
Impact of Mathematical Norms on Convergence of Gradient Descent Algorithms for Deep Neural Networks Learning
The Feasibility of Deep Counterfactual Regret Minimisation for Trading Card Games
Are Graph Neural Network Explainers Robust to Graph Noises?
Ethical/Explainable AI
Towards Explainable AutoML Using Error Decomposition
Does A Compromise on Fairness Exist in Using AI Models?
Fairness Aware Swarm-based Machine Learning for Data Streams
Explainable Network Intrusion Detection Using External Memory Models
Genetic Algorithms
Handling Different Preferences between Objectives for Multi-objective Feature Selection in Classification
Genetic Algorithm with a Novel Leiden-based Mutation Operator for Community Detection
Evolution Strategies for Sparse Reward Gridworld Environments
Niching-Assisted Genetic Programming for Finding Multiple High-Quality Classifiers
Evolving Effective Ensembles for Image Classification Using Multi-objective Multi-tree Genetic Programming
Knowledge Representation and NLP
QUARRY: A Graph Model for Queryable Association Rules
Using Context-Free Grammar To Generate Synthetic Technical Short Texts
Predicting Marimba Stickings Using Long Short-Term Memory Neural Networks
Systematic Monotonicity and Consistency for Adversarial Natural Language Inference
Understanding Document Data Sources Using Ontologies with Referring Expressions
Tyche: A Library for Probabilistic Reasoning and Belief Modelling in Python
Belief Revision with Dishonest Reports
Machine Learning
Active Learning for kNN using Instance Impact
Multiclass Malware Classification using either Static Opcodes or Dynamic API Calls
A Novel Approach to Time Series Complexity via Reservoir Computing
Boosted SelfEvolving Neural Networks for Pattern Recognition
Machine learning inspired fault detection of dynamical networks
Medical AI
Multiclass Classification for GvHD Prognosis Prior to Allogenic Stem Cell Transplantation
What Leads to Arrhythmia: Active Causal Representation Learning of ECG Classification
Automated Fish Classification Using Unprocessed Fatty Acid Chromatographic Data: A Machine Learning Approach
Automated Radiology Report Generation using a Transformer-Template System: Improved Clinical Accuracy and an Assessment of Clinical Safety
3D Face Reconstruction with Mobile Phone Cameras for Rare Disease Diagnosis
Non-linear Continuous Action Spaces for Reinforcement Learning in Type 1 Diabetes
Cognitive impairment prediction by normal cognitive brain MRI scans using deep learning
A Text-Independent Forced Alignment Method for Automatic Phoneme Segmentation
Multi-componential Emotion Recognition in VR Using Physiological Signals
Liver Disease Classification by Pruning Data Dependency Utilizing Ensemble Learning Based Feature Selection
Medical Optimization
Optimizing the Feature Set for Machine Learning Charitable Predictions
Operation-based Greedy Algorithm for Discounted Knapsack Problem
Dynamic Bus Holding Control Using Spatial-Temporal Data A Deep Reinforcement Learning Approach
Latent Pattern Identification using Orthogonal-Constraint Coupled Nonnegative Matrix Factorization
Efficiency and Truthfulness in Dial-a-Ride Problems with Customers Location Preferences
Reinforcement Learning
Human-Autonomous Teaming Framework based on Trust Modelling
Using Uncertainty as a Defense Against Adversarial Attacks for Tabular Datasets
Autonomous UAV Navigation in Wilderness Search-and-Rescue Operations Using Deep Reinforcement Learning
Active Learning Using Difficult Instances
Reinforcement Learning for Collective Motion Tuning in the Presence of Extrinsic Goals
Enhancing the Speed of Hierarchical Learning Automata by Ordering the Actions A Pioneering Approach
A Robust Exploration Strategy in Reinforcement Learning Based on Temporal Difference Error
Examining average and discounted reward optimality criteria in reinforcement learning.

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