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Optimization and Learning
Evolutionary-Based Co-Optimization of DNN and Hardware Configurations on Edge GPU
Maximum Information Coverage and Monitoring Path Planning With Unmanned Surface Vehicles Using Deep Reinforcement Learning
Tuning ForestDisc hyperparameters: A sensitivity analysis
Multi-objective hyperparameter optimization with performance uncertainty
Novel Optimization Techniques
A new algorithm for bi-objective problems based on gradient information
Adaptive Continuous Multi-Objective Optimization using Cooperative Agents
Integer Linear Programming reformulations for the linear ordering problem
SHAMan: a versatile auto-tuning framework for costly and noisy HPC systems
Cooperation-based search of global optima
Date-driven Simulation-Optimization (DSO): An Efficient Approach to Optimize Simulation Models with Databases
Sweep Algorithms for the Vehicle Routing Problem with TimeWindows
Improving the accuracy of vehicle routing problem approximation using the formula for the average distance between a point and a rectangular area
Optimal Delivery Area Assignment for the Capital Vehicle Routing Problem Based on a Maximum Likelihood Approach
Neural Order-First Split-Second Algorithm for the Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem
GRASP-based hybrid search to solve the multi-objective requirements selection problem
Comparing Parallel Surrogate-based and Surrogate-free Multi-Objective Optimization of COVID-19 vaccines allocation
Decentralizing and Optimizing Nation-Wide Employee Allocation while Simultaneously Maximizing Employee Satisfaction
Categorical-Continuous Bayesian optimization applied to chemical reactions
Assessing Similarity-Based Grammar-Guided Genetic Programming Approaches for Program Synthesis.

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