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Computational Theory and Model
General-nondeterministic fuzzy pushdown automata and their languages
Joint Degree Distribution of Growing Multiplex Network Model with Nonlinear Preferential Attachment Rule
Coherence of Quantum States based on Mutually Unbiased Bases
Determining the Sampling Size with Maintaining the Probability Distribution
Approximation Algorithms
The polynomial randomized algorithm to compute bounded degree graphs for TSP based on frequency quadrilaterals
An approximation algorithm for the minimum soft capacitated disk multi-coverage problem
A 1/2 approximation algorithm for energy constrained geometric covering problem
Artificial Intelligence
MixHop Graph WaveNet for traffic forecasting
A Brief Discussion on the Reform of Mathematics Teaching in Artificial Intelligence Majors - Taking Matrix Computation and Optimization as Examples
Improved Spotted Hyena Optimizer fused with multiple strategies
Regularized Framework on Heterogeneous Hypergraph Model for Personal Recommendation
Hybrid Pre-training based on Masked Autoencoders for Medical Image Segmentation
Deep Transfer Learning based Risk Prediction Model for Infectious Disease
A Data-Driven Framework For Crack Paths Propagation
System and Resource Scheduling
A modified list scheduling algorithm for the online hierarchical load balancing problem with bounded processing times
An Improved ACS Algorithm by CA for Task Scheduling in Heterogeneous Multiprocessing Environments
On the parameterized tractability of single machine scheduling with rejection to minimize the weighted makespan
Multi-resource allocation in mobile edge computing systems: A trade-off on fairness and efficiency
Maximin share based mechanisms for multi-resource fair allocation with divisible and indivisible tasks. .

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