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Table of Contents
About the Author
About the Technical Reviewers
Chapter 1: Know the Territory: Learning Interactions in Project-Based Environments
Foundations of Project-Based Learning
Common Characteristics
Teaching and Learning Interactions in PjBL
Roles That Instructors Play in PjBL
How Students Learn in PjBL
By Doing
By Reading
By Teaching
By Watching
By Discussing
By Presenting
By Reflecting
By Listening
Chart the Known Knowns and the Known Unknowns of PjBL in Post-secondary

Known Unknowns of PjBL Environments
Learner Response
To Do: Map Known Knowns and Known Unknowns
How PjBL Reinvents How Teachers and Learners Interact
Mentoring Learners to Navigate Their Own Experiences
Chapter Summary
Tools and Suggested Processes
Deeper Dive
Chapter 2: Know How You Mentor
Mentoring Is
To Do: Mentoring Is
Let the Mentor Be Summoned
Mentors Bridge the Gap Between Acquiring Knowledge and Applying It
To Do: Bridging Knowledge to Action

Mentors Guide Individual and Team Learning in PjBL
Mentors Guide Prototyping in PjBL Courses
Mentors Translate Knowledge and Know-How into Authentic Tasks and Activities
To Do: Begin to Plot Your Know-How and Knowledge
Step 1: Identify What Recruits May Need to Have Knowledge of
Step 2: Identifying Experience in Production or Know-How
Step 3: Ask How They Might Come to Learn This Knowledge and Know-How
Step 4: Use These to Create Activities That You'll Include in the PjBL Course You Eventually Design

Mentors Understand Their Different Personalities and Respond to Those of Their Mentees
To Do: Mentor Personas
Mentee Personas
To Do: Mentee Personas
Chapter Summary
Tools and Suggested Processes
Deeper Dive
Chapter 3: Know Your Various Roles: Designing Teaching and Mentoring Interventions
A Trio of Intersecting Roles
Break Down Knowledge Areas Useful to Emerging Tech Production
To Do: Map What You Know
Teach Learners to Develop Skills and Capacities Outside Your Expertise
Chapter Summary
Tools and Suggested Processes
Deep Dive

Chapter 4: Know the Patterns of Mentoring and Teaching Interactions
The Interplay Between Skills and Know-How
Knowledge and Knowing in PjBL
Identifying Patterns of Teaching and Mentoring
Patterns of Teaching and Mentoring in the Workplace
Patterns of Teaching and Mentoring in Learning Environments
The Impact of a Weekly Schedule on Teaching and Mentoring
Signs to Watch for That Inform an Intervention
Design Features That Will Require Teaching and Mentoring
Project Charter
Project Management
Rules of Play
Team Collaboration

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