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Chapter 1: Introduction
1.1 The Sources: German Contemporary Documents and Personal Accounts
1.2 Research Questions/Methodological Remarks
1.3 Historiographic Context
Chapter 2: The Camp
2.1 The German Criminal Police
2.2 Planning the Camp
2.3 Building the Camp
2.4 Camp Leadership, Staff, and Guards
2.5 The Prisoners
2.6 The Number of Children in the Camp
Chapter 3: The Children
3.1 Arrival in the Camp
3.1.1 Admission
3.1.2 Clothing
3.2 Life in the Camp
3.2.1 Daily Routine

3.2.2 Homesickness and Support from Home
3.2.3 Accommodation
3.2.4 House 8
3.2.5 Food
3.3 Forced Labour in the Camp
3.3.1 Construction Work
3.3.2 Workshops
3.3.3 Maintenance and Service Work
3.3.4 External Work
3.3.5 Work in Dzierżązna
3.4 Hygiene and Diseases
3.5 Torment, Homicides, and Murder
3.5.1 Daily Violence
3.5.2 Deaths in the Camp
3.6 Leaving the Camp
3.6.1 Escapes and Attempted Escapes
3.6.2 Release and Deportation
3.7 Liberation
3.8 Post-War Suffering
Chapter 4: The Trials
4.1 Trials in Poland
4.1.1 First Trials

4.1.2 The Trial of Eugenia Pohl
4.1.3 Eugenia Pohl
4.1.4 The Trial
4.1.5 Prosecution and Defence
4.1.6 Witnesses: Former Prisoners
4.1.7 Other Witnesses
4.1.8 The Aftermath
4.2 Investigations in West Germany
4.3 Memory of the Camp
Chapter 5: Conclusion
Archives and Interviews
Name Index
Place Index

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