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Cross-Camera Deep Colorization
Attentive Cascaded Pyramid Network for Online Video Stabilization
Amodal Layout Completion in Complex Outdoor Scenes
Exploring Hierarchical Prototypes for Few-Shot Segmentation
BSAM: Bidirectional Scene-Aware Mixup for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation in Semantic Segmentation
Triple GNN: A Pedestrian-Scene-Object Joint Model for Pedestrian Trajectory Prediction
Cross-Domain Trajectory Prediction With CTP-Net
Spatial-Aware GAN for Instance-Guided Cross-Spectral Face Hallucination
Lightweight Image Compression Based on Deep Learning
DGMLP: Deformable Gating MLP Sharing for Multi-Task Learning
Monocular 3D Face Reconstruction with Joint 2D and 3D Constraints
Scene Text Recognition with Single-Point Decoding Network
Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for Semantic Segmentation with Global and Local Consistency
Research on Multi-Temporal Cloud Removal using D-S Evidence Theory and Cloud Segmentation Model
SASD: A Shape-Aware Saliency Object Detection Approach for RGB-D Images
Dual Windows Are Significant: Learning from Mediastinal Window and Focusing on Lung Window
CDNeRF: A Multi-Modal Feature Guided Neural Radiance Fields
MHPro: Multi-Hypothesis Probabilistic Modeling for Human Mesh Recovery
Image Sampling for Machine Vision
SMOF: Squeezing More Out of Filters Yields Hardware-Friendly CNN Pruning
H-ViT: Hybrid Vision Transformer for Multi-Modal Vehicle Re-Identification
A Coarse-to-Fine Convolutional Neural Network for Light Field Angular Super-Resolution
VSA: Adaptive Visual and Semantic Guided Attention on Few-Shot Learning
Evolutionary Multitasking for Coarse-to-Fine Point Cloud Registration with Chaotic Opposition Search Strategy
Matching and Localizing: A Simple Yet Effective Framework for Human-Centric Spatio-Temporal Video Grounding
Part-Wise Topology Graph Convolutional Network for Skeleton-Based Action Recognition
A Lightweight Detection Method of Smartphone Assembly Parts
Illumination-Guided Transformer-Based Network for Multispectral Pedestrian Detection
3D Face Cartoonizer: Generating Personalized 3D Cartoon Faces from 2D Real Photos with a Hybrid Dataset
Low Light Video Enhancement Based on Temporal-Spatial Complementary Feature
Compound Label Learning for Affective Image Content Analysis
Weakly Supervised Learning of Instance Segmentation with Confidence Feedback
Robust Face-Swap Detection Based on 3D Facial Shape Information
Prompt Learning with Cross-Modal Feature Alignment for Visual Domain Adaptation
Tile Defect Detection Based on the Improved S2C-YOLOv5
Human-Object Interaction Detection: A Survey of Deep Learning-based Methods
Change Detection of Flood Hazard Areas in Multi-Source Heterogeneous Earth Observation Image Time Series Based on Spatiotemporal Enhancement Strategy
Reinforcement Learning Based Plug-and-Play Method for Hyperspectral Image Reconstruction
AGFNet: Attention Guided Fusion Network for Camouflaged Object Detection
Spatial-Temporal Contextual Feature Fusion Network for Movie Description
A Transformer-Based Network for Deformable Medical Image Registration
Context Alignment Network for Video Moment Retrieval
Underwater Object Detection Using Restructured SSD
A Multi-Branch Cascade Transformer Network (MBCTNet) for Hand Gesture Segmentation in Cluttered Background
Relative Position Relationship Learning Network for Scene Graph Generation
Person Re-Identification Based on CNN with Multi-Scale Contour Embedding
Causal Inference With Sample Balancing for Out-Of-Distribution Detection in Visual Classification
Low-Light Image Enhancement Under Mixed Noise Model With Tensor Representation
Sequential Fusion of Multi-View Video Frames for 3D Scene Generation
Multi-Model Lightweight Action Recognition with Group-Shuffle Graph Convolutional Network
Global-View Re-Identification Tracking with Transformer
VERTEX: VEhicle Reconstruction and TEXture Estimation From a Single Image Using Deep Implicit Semantic Template Mapping
TAR-Net: A Triple Attention Residual Network for Power Line Extraction from Infrared Aerial Images
Deep Dynamic-Range Compression of Infrared Video Camera
Saliency Map-Based Local White-Box Adversarial Attack Against Deep Neural Networks
Improving Adversarial Attacks With Ensemble-Based Approaches
Browsing Behavioral Intent Prediction on Product Recommendation Pages of E-Commerce Platform
An Optical Satellite Controller Based on Diffractive Deep Neural Network
Incomplete Cigarette Code Recognition via Unified SPA Features and Graph Space Constraints
A Large-Scale Tobacco 3D Bin Packing Model Based on Dual-Task Learning of Group Blocks
ETH-TT: A Novel Approach For Detecting Ethereum Malicious Accounts
Multi-Objective Meta-Return Reinforcement Learning for Sequential Recommendation
Purchase Pattern Based Anti-Fraud Framework In Online E-Commerce Platform Using Graph Neural Network
Physical Logic Enhanced Network for Small-Sample Bi-Layer Metallic Tubes Bending Springback Prediction
Blind Surveillance Image Quality Assessment via Deep Neural Network Combined With the Visual Saliency
Power Grid Bus Cluster Based on Voltage Phasor Trajectory
Following the Lecturer: Hierarchical Knowledge Concepts Prediction for Educational Videos
Learning Evidential Cognitive Diagnosis Networks Robust to Response Bias
An Integrated Navigation Method for UAV Autonomous Landing Based on Inertial and Vision Sensors
An Automatic Surface Defect Detection Method With Residual Attention Network
Research on Intelligent Decision-Making Irrigation Model of Water and Fertilizer Based on Multi-Source Data Input
Interaction-Aware Temporal Prescription Generation via Message Passing Neural Network
Adversarial and Implicit Modality Imputation With Applications to Depression Early Detection
EdgeVR360: Edge-Assisted Multiuser-Oriented Intelligent 360-Degree Video Delivery Scheme Over Wireless Network
Automatic Diagnose of Drug-Resistance Tuberculosis From CT Images Based on Deep Neural Networks
Maintaining Structural Information by Pairwise Similarity for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation
Hierarchical Recurrent Contextual Attention Network for Video Question Answering
An Intelligent Assessment System for Human Motor Functions of Stroke Patients
UI Layers Group Detector: Grouping UI Layers via Text Fusion and Box Attention
Audio-Visual Fusion Network Based on Conformer for Multimodal Emotion Recognition
Audio-Visual Multi-Person Keyword Spotting via Hybrid Fusion
A New Adaptive TV-Based BM3D Algorithm for Image Denoising
Data-Driven Hybrid Neural Network under Model-Driven Supervised Learning for Structural Dynamic Impact Localization
Connecting Patients With Pre-Diagnosis: A Multiple Graph Regularized Method for Mental Disorder Diagnosis
A Novel Device-Free Localization Approach Based on Deep Dictionary Learning
Survey of Hypergraph Neural Networks and Its Application to Action Recognition
Visual Perception Inference on Ravens Progressive Matrices by Semi-Supervised Contrastive Learning
PHN: Parallel Heterogeneous Network With Soft Gating for CTR Prediction
Multi-Relational Cognitive Diagnosis for Intelligent Education
Clinical Phenotyping Prediction via Auxiliary Task Selection and Adaptive Shared-Space Correction
Multi-View Subspace Clustering With Joint Tensor Representation and Indicator Matrix Learning
Weighted Competitive-Collaborative Representation Based Classifier for Imbalanced Data Classification
Hierarchical Graph Representation Learning with Structural Attention for Graph Classification
Photovolt Spots Detection Based on Kernel Entropy Component Analysis and Information Gain
Second-Order Global Attention Networks for Graph Classification and Regression
Aero-Engine Remaining Useful Life Prediction Via Tensor Decomposition Method
FIGCI: Flow-Based Information-Geometric Causal Inference
Emotional Semantic Neural Radiance Fields for Audio-Driven Talking Head
Multi-View 3D Morphable Face Reconstruction via Canonical Volume Fusion
DPIT: Dual-Pipeline Integrated Transformer for Human Pose Estimation
Integrative Analysis of Multi-view Histopathological Image Features for the Diagnosis of Lung Cancer
Where Are the Children with Autism Looking in Reality?
Study on Practical Utility of Image Dehazing

Algorithms Based on Deep Learning in Computer Vision Scene Understanding
Benchmarking Deep Reinforcement Learning Based Energy Management Systems for Hybrid Electric Vehicles
Self-Attention Based High Order Sequence Features of Dynamic Functional Connectivity Networks With rs-fMRI for Brain Disease Classification
A New Method for Assigning Hesitation Based on An IFS Distance Metric
Adaptive Combination of Filtered-x NLMS and Affine Projection Algorithms for Active Noise Control
Linguistic Interval-Valued Spherical Fuzzy Sets and Related Properties
A Genetic Algorithm for Causal Discovery Based on Structural Causal Model
Stochastic and Dual Adversarial GAN-Boosted Zero-Shot Knowledge Graph
LS-YOLO: Lightweight SAR Ship Targets Detection Based on Improved YOLOv5
Dictionary Learning-Based Reinforcement Learning With Non-Convex Sparsity Regularizer
Deep Twin Support Vector Networks
Region-Based Dense Adversarial Generation for Medical Image Segmentation
Dynamic Clustering Federated Learning for Non-IID Data
Dynamic Network Embedding by Using Sparse Deep Autoencoder
Deep Graph Convolutional Networks Based on Contrastive Learning: Alleviating Over-Smoothing Phenomenon
Clustering-Based Curriculum Construction for Sample-Balanced Federated Learning
A Novel Nonlinear Dictionary Learning Algorithm Based on Nonlinear-KSVD and Nonlinear-MOD
Tooth Defect Segmentation in 3D Mesh Scans using Deep Learning
Crowd-Oriented Be.

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