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AI Crypto and Security Workshop (AI-CryptoSec)
Image Data Recoverability against Data Collaboration and its Countermeasure
Image Data Recoverability against Data Collaboration and its Countermeasure
Human Security Behavior Assistance in the Cyber-physical Space
A Privacy-preserving Electricity Theft Detection (PETD) Scheme for Smart Grid
Design and implementation of VCP network for Open Flow
Theory and Application of Blockchain and NFT Workshop (TA-BC-NFT)
Medical waste treatment process based on Blockchain technology - a case study of Covid-19 waste handling in Vietnam
Blockchain technology-based management of blood and its products - a case study in Vietnam
Application of the elimination competition mechanism based on blockchain multi-supervision in vehicle data sharing
Economic Perspective of Cybersecurity: Principles and Strategies
Towards a Dynamic Reputation Management Scheme for Cross-chain Transactions
Mathematical Science of Quantum Safety and its Application Workshop (MathSci-Qsafe)
Revisiting Security of Symmetric-Key Encryption with Imperfect Randomness and Correlation between Source and Keys
A Secure Image-Video Retrieval Scheme with Attribute-Based Encryption and Multi-Feature Fusion in Smart Grid
A Survey on Privacy Preserving Synthetic Data Generation and a Discussion on a Privacy-Utility Trade-off Problem
Multi-Client Private Decision Tree Classification using Threshold Fully Homomorphic Encryption
Advances in adversarial attacks and defenses in Intrusion Detection System: A survey
Zero-touch Provisioned Device Lifecycle and Its Security in IoT
Activation Code Delivery on V2X Pseudonym Certificate Revocation
Federated Active Learning.

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