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Informational challenges for the study of Science, Technology and Society relationships
The Disinformation Society
Overview of Citizen Science projects contemplated in the Civis Platform
National Registry of Scientific Data Management Plans by IBICT
Collection and Integration of Patent Data for Analysis and Validation of Brazilian Technical Production
Publications in Scientific Events as a Data Source for Scientometric Analysis
Publications in Open Access Journals: A Bibliometric Analysis
Scientific divulgation before the post-truth and the crisis of credibility of science in the context of Digital Humanities
Workflow with emphasis in technologies for the construction of an aggregator and a dashboard of Brazilian museums digital collections
Concept Maps as a Support for Learning: A Proposal from the Consent for the Processing of Personal Data in Private Organizations
Effect of Network Embedding on the Performance of Chinese Venture Capital Institutions: Mediatory Role of Organizational Learning
Advances in Artificial Intelligence for data processing and analysis in online social environments
Contributions and Limitations about the use of Deep Learning for Skin Diagnosis: A review
An Expanded Study of the Application of Deep Learning Models in Energy Consumption Prediction
Application and evaluation of a taxonomy in the context of software requirements management
Assessment of Heart Patients Dataset Through Regression and Classification Algorithms
Classification model based on chatbot and unsupervised algorithms to determine psychological intervention programs in Peruvian university students
Comparison of Algorithms for Classification of Financial Intelligence Reports
Natural language processing of messages from a social network for inflation analysis
Mining Association Rules in Commuter Feedback Comments from Facebook of Swiss National Railways (SBB) using Apriori Algorithm
Enhancement of voting scores with multiple attributes based on VoteRank++ to identify influential nodes in social networks
Identification of the relationships between Data Provenance and Blockchain as a contributing factor for Health Information Systems.

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