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Writing companions: Toward a critical entanglement with the more-than-human world, Elizabeth S. Leet
Human and insect bookworms, Emma Maggie Solberg
Francis's animal brotherhood in Thomas of Celano's Vita Prima, Brandon Alakas & Day Bulger
Reading the medieval fur experience: Peire Vidal and the poverty of Pelletiers, Sarah-Grace Heller
Becoming object/becoming queen: the marital contact zone in Chretien de Troyes Erec et Enide, Elizabeth S. Leet
Do not allow an empty goblet to face the moon : lyrical materialities in the drinking poems of Li Bai (701-762) and Du Fu (712-2013;770), Elizabeth Harper
Jahangiri portrait shasts: Material-discursive practices and visuality at the Mughal court, Krista Hall Gulbransen
The hungry monk: Bernard of Clairvaux in a trans-corporeal landscape, Melanie Holcomb
Skin black and wrinkled : The toxic ecology of the Sibyls cave, Alan S. Montroso
De aymant en dyamant : Lexical transmutations in the works of Philippe de Mezieres, Julie Singer
Drink up! Losing yourself in the contact zone, Stacy Alaimo
Posthumanism and the claim to rational action, Karl Steel.

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