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Table of Contents
Prophetic histories, portentous figures, Joseph Bowling & Katherine Walker
English political prophecy and the problem of modernity, Eric Weiskott
The prophetess and the pope: St. Hildegard of Bingen, Pope Benedict XVI, and prophetic visions of church reform, Nathaniel M. Campbell
Valencia's miraculous prophet: The Inquisition dossier of Catalina Muñoz (1588), Nicholas R. Jones
Prophecy and emendation: Merlin, Chaucer, Lear's Fool, Misha Teramura
Wasting time in The Committee-man Curried, Marissa Nicosia
'The carcasse speakes': Vital corpses and prophetic remains in Thomas May's Antigone, Penelope Meyers Usher
Prophecy and poetry: The Second World War and the turn to biblical typology in George Herbert's The Temple, Martin Elsky
Histories and temporalities past, present, future, Dennis Austin Britton.
English political prophecy and the problem of modernity, Eric Weiskott
The prophetess and the pope: St. Hildegard of Bingen, Pope Benedict XVI, and prophetic visions of church reform, Nathaniel M. Campbell
Valencia's miraculous prophet: The Inquisition dossier of Catalina Muñoz (1588), Nicholas R. Jones
Prophecy and emendation: Merlin, Chaucer, Lear's Fool, Misha Teramura
Wasting time in The Committee-man Curried, Marissa Nicosia
'The carcasse speakes': Vital corpses and prophetic remains in Thomas May's Antigone, Penelope Meyers Usher
Prophecy and poetry: The Second World War and the turn to biblical typology in George Herbert's The Temple, Martin Elsky
Histories and temporalities past, present, future, Dennis Austin Britton.