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Deep Reinforcement Learning Approach
Heterogeneous Multi-unit Control with Curriculum Learning for Multi-agent Reinforcement Learning
A Deep Reinforcement Learning Approach for Cooperative Target Defense
Particle Swarm Based Reinforcement Learning
Users Permission Reasoning Method Based on Knowledge Graph Reward Guidance Reinforcement Learning in Data Center. - SMPG: Adaptive Soft Update for Masked MADDPG
Attentive Relational State Representation for Intelligent Joint Operation Simulation
Graph Neural Networks
Flow Prediction via Multi-view Spatial-temporal Graph Neural Network
RotatSAGE: A Scalable Knowledge Graph Embedding Model based on Translation Assumptions and Graph Neural Networks
Denoise Network Structure for User Alignment across Networks via Graph Structure Learning
OLPGP: An optimized label propagation-based distributed graph partitioning algorithm
Deep Neural Networks
DRGS: Low-Precision Full Quantization of Deep Neural Network with Dynamic Rounding and Gradient Scaling for Object Detection
Emotion Recognition Based on Multi-scale Convolutional Neural Network
Pose Sequence Model Using the Encoder-decoder Structure for 3d Pose Estimation
Research and Analysis of Video-Based Human Pose Estimation
Action Recognition for Solo-militant Based on ResNet and Rule Matching
Multiple Residual Quantization of Pruning
Clustering Methods
Deep Structured Graph Clustering Network
Improved Clustering Strategies for Learning Style Identication in Massive Open Online Courses
CSHEM - A Compressed Sensing Based Secure Data Processing Method for Electrical Data
Prediction Methods
An Improved Multi-Source Spatiotemporal Data Fusion Model based on the Nearest Neighbor Grids for PM2.5 Concentration Interpolation and Prediction
Study on the Prediction of Rice Noodle Raw Material Index Content by Deep Feature Fusion
GAP: Goal-Aware Prediction with Hierarchical Interactive Representation for Vehicle Trajectory
Multi-Cause Learning for Diagnosis Prediction
Prediction of Postoperative Survival Level of Esophageal Cancer Patients Based on Kaplan-Meier(K-M) Survival Analysis and Gray Wolf Optimization (GWO)-BP Model
Classification Methods
Possibilistic Reject-Classication based on Contrastive Learning in Vector Quantization Networks
A Classication Method for Imbalanced Data Based on Ant Lion Optimizer
Learnable Relation With Triplet Formulation For Semi-supervised Medical Image Classication
Multi-view Classication via Twin Projection Vector Machine with Application to EEG-based Driving Fatigue Detection
An Interpretable Conditional Augmentation Classication Approach for Imbalanced EHRs Mortality Prediction
Combining Statistical and Semantic Features For Trajectory Point Classication
Identification and Recognition Methods
Complementary Convolutional Restricted Boltzmann Machine and Its Applications in Image Recognition
Text-independent Speaker Identication Using a Single-scale SincNet-DCGAN Model
Genome-wide Feature Selection of Robust mRNA Biomarkers for Body Fluid Identication
HOS-YOLOv5: An Improved High-precision Remote Sensing Image Target Detection Algorithm Based on YOLOv5
A Multi-Module 3D U-Net Learning Architecture for Brain Tumor Segmentation
Problems with Regression-line in Data-mining Applications and A Better Alternate Linear-model
Research on Hot Spot Mining Technology for Network Public Opinion
Research Hotspots, Emerging Trend and Front of Fraud Detection Rearch: A Scientometric Analysis (1984 - 2021)
Optimization Methods
An Algorithm of Set-Based Dierential Evolution for Discrete Optimization Problem
Multi-objective Optimization Technique for RSU Deployment
Knowledge Learning-based Brain Storm Optimization Algorithm for Multimodal Optimization
Market Investment Methods
Non-Local Graph Aggregation for Diversied Stock Recommendation
Novel Sentiment Analysis from Twitter for Stock Change Prediction
A Novel Investment Strategy for Mixed Asset Allocation Based on Entropy-based Time Series Prediction
The Framework of Hammer Credit Rating System for Enterprises in Capital Markets of China with International Standards
Community Detection and Diagnosis Systems
A Self-Adaptive Two-Stage Local Expansion Algorithm for Community Detection on Complex Networks
Supervised Prototypical Variational Autoencdoer for Shilling Attack Detection in Recommender Systems
Knowledge Graph based Chicken Disease Diagnosis Question Answering System
Therapeutic eects of corticosteroids for critical and severe COVID-19 patients
Big Data Analysis
Secure Cross-User Fuzzy Deduplication for Images in Cloud Storage
Blockchain-based Integrity Auditing with Secure Deduplication in Cloud Storage
Name Disambiguation Based on Entity Relationship Graph in Big Data
Ontology-based metadata model design of data governance system
Ontology-based Combat Force Modeling and Its Intelligent Planning Using Genetic Algorithm
Research on Multi-channel Retrieve Mechanism Based on Heuristic
Big-Model Methods
PoetryBERT: Pre-Training with Sememe Knowledge for Classical Chinese Poetry
Image hide with Invertible Network and Swin Transformer
Modeling and Analysis of Combat System Confrontation Based on Large-scale Knowledge Graph Network
Generating Aversarial Exmaples and Other Applications
Generating Adversarial Malware Examples for Black-Box Attacks Based on GAN
Defending Adversarial Examples by Negative Correlation Ensemble
Accurate Decision-Making Method for Air Combat Pilots based on Data-Driven
Establishment of Empirical Expression of Atmospheric Scattering Coecient for Line-of-sight Ultraviolet Propagation in Coastal Area.

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