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Big Data Analytics: Vision and Perspectives
Data Challenges and Societal Impacts the case in favor of the Blueprint for an AI Bill of Rights
Big Data in Cognitive Neuroscience: Opportunities and Challenges
Data Science: Architectures
A Novel Feature Selection Based Text Classification using Multi-layer ELM
ARCORE: Software Requirements Dataset for Service Identification
ARCORE: Software Requirements Dataset for Service Identification
Learning enhancement using Question-Answer generation for e-book using contrastive fine-tuned T5
Data Science: Applications
A Machine and Deep Learning Framework to Retain Customers based on their Lifetime Value
A Deep Learning based Approach to Automate Clinical Coding of Electronic Health Records
Determining the severity of Dementia using ensemble learning
Determining the severity of Dementia using ensemble learning
A distributed ensemble machine learning technique for emotion classification from vocal cues
Graph Analytics. -Drugomics: Knowledge Graph & AI to Construct Physicians' Brain Digital Twin to Prevent Drug Side-effects and Patient Harm
Extremely Randomized Tree based Sentiment Polarity Classification on Online Product Reviews
Community Detection in Large Directed Graphs
Pattern Mining
FastTIRP: Efficient discovery of Time-Interval Related Patterns
Discovering Top-K Periodic Patterns in Temporal Databases
Hui2Vec: Learning Transaction Embedding Through High Utility Itemsets
Predictive Analytics in Agriculture
A Data-driven, Farmer-oriented Agricultural Crop Recommendation Engine (ACRE)
Analyze the Impact of Weather Parameters for Crop Yield Prediction using Deep Learning
Analysis of Weather Condition based Reuse among Agromet Advisory: A Validation Study.

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