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Plenary Talks: T. Kobayashi, Multiplicity in Restricting Minimal Representations
Yang-Hui He, From the String Landscape to the Mathematical Landscape: a Machine-Learning Outlook
I. Todorov, Octonionic Clifford Algebra for the Internal Space of the Standard Model
P. Vitale, The Jacobi Sigma Model
P. Aschieri, Levi-Civita Connections on Braided Algebras
N. Bobev, Notes on AdS4 Holography and Higher-Derivative Supergravity
T. Brzezinski, Homothetic Rota-Baxter Systems and Dyckm-Algebras
M. Henkel, Quantum Dynamics Far from Equilibrium: a Case Study in the Spherical Model
Hankyung Ko and V. Mazorchuk, On First Extensions in S -Subcategories of O
Robert de Mello Koch and Sanjaye Ramgoolam, Higher Dimensional CFTs as 2D Conformally-Equivariant Topological Field Theories
G. Manolakos, G. Patellis and G. Zoupanos, Reducing the N = 1, 10D E8 Gauge Theory over a Modified Flag Manifold
String Theories, (Super-)Gravity, Cosmology: Andre Alves Lima, Galen M. Sotkov and Marian Stanishkov, Ramond States of the D1-D5 CFT Away from the Free Orbifold Point
L. Anguelova, Primordial Black Hole Generation in a Two-field Inflationary Model
D. Staicova, Late Time Cosmic Acceleration with Uncorrelated Baryon Acoustic Oscillations
L. Ravera, On the Hidden Symmetries of D = 11 Supergravity
F. Nieri, Defects at the Intersection: the Supergroup Side
T. Masuda, A New S-matrix Formula and Extension of the State Space in Open String Field Theory
E. Boffo, Dual Dilaton with R and Q Fluxes
Representation Theory: E. Poletaeva, On 1-Dimensional Modules over the Super-Yangian of the Superalgebra Q(1)
N. I. Stoilova and Joris Van der Jeugt, A Klein Operator for Paraparticles
G. Sengor and C. Skordis, Principal and Complementary Series Representations at the Late-Time Boundary of de Sitter
S. Aoki, Janos Balog, T. Onogi, and S. Yokoyama, Bulk Reconstruction from a Scalar CFT at the Boundary by the Smearing with the Flow Equation
Y. Wang and Chih-Hao Fu, Building Momentum Kernel from Shapovalov Form
Ilia Smilga, Action of w0 on VL for Orthogonal and Exceptional Groups
Ood Shabtai, Pairs of Spectral Projections of Spin Operators
Integrable Systems: Jean-Emile Bourgine, Algebraic Engineering and Integrable Hierarchies
Cestm r Burdk and O. Navratil, Nested Bethe Ansatz for RTTAlgebra An
O. Vaneeva, O. Magda and A. Zhalij, Lie Reductions and Exact Solutions of Generalized Kawahara Equations
Y. Nasuda, Several Exactly Solvable Quantum Mechanical Systems and the SWKB Quantization Condition
A. Pribytok, Automorphic Symmetries and AdSn Integrable Deformations
Applications to Quantum Theory: M. Kirchbach, T. Popov, and J.-A. Vallejo, The Conformal-SymmetryColor-Neutrality Connection in Strong Interaction
I. Salom and N. Manojlovic, s(2) Gaudin Model with General Boundary Terms
T. Barron and A. Kazachek, Entanglement of Mixed States in Kahler Quantization
J. Alnefjord, A. Lifson, C. Reuschle, and M. Sjodahl, The Chirality-Flow Formalism for Standard Model Calculations
F. Kuipers, Spacetime Stochasticity and Second Order Geometry
Special Mathematical Results: P. Moylan, Velocity Reciprocity in Flat and Curved Space-Time
S. Stoimenov and M. Henkel, Meta-Schrodinger Transformations
Hulya Arg uz, The Quantum Mirror to the Quartic del Pezzo Surface
A. Ganchev, Bidirectional Processes - in Category Theory, Physics, Engineering
Gauge Theories and Applications: Richard S. Garavuso, Nonholomorphic Superpotentials in Heterotic Landau-Ginzburg Models
F. Feruglio, Automorphic Forms and Fermion Masses
T. Ishibashi, Wilson Lines and Their Laurent Positivity
Maro Cvitan, Predrag Dominis Prester, Stefano Gregorio Giaccari, Mateo Paulisi c, and Ivan Vukovic, Gauging Higher-Spin-Like Symmetries Using the Moyal Product
N. Ikeda and S. Sasaki, Integration of Double Field Theory Algebroids and Pre-rackoid in Doubled Geometry
H. Mori, S. Sasaki, K. Shiozawa, Doubled Aspects of Algebroids and Gauge Symmetry in Double Field Theory
C. Anghel and D. Cheptea, Lie Algebroids and Weight Systems
Structures on Lie Groups and Lie Algebras: K. Arashi, Visible Actions of Certain Affine Transformation Groups of a Siegel Domain of the Second Kind
A. Brus, Jir Hrivnak and L. Motlochova, Quantum Particle on Lattices in Weyl Alcoves
A. Latorre and L. Ugarte, Abelian J-Invariant Ideals on Nilpotent Lie Algebras
Alexis Langlois-Remillard, The Dihedral DunklDirac Symmetry Algebra with Negative Clifford Signature
Tekin Karadag, Lie Structure on Hopf Algebra Cohomology
Esther Garca, Miguel Gomez Lozano, and Ruben Munoz Alcazar, Filtration Associated to an Abelian Inner Ideal and the Speciality of the Subquotient of a Lie Algebra
Esther Garca, Miguel Gomez Lozano, and Guillermo Vera de Salas, Nilpotent Inner Derivations in Prime Superalgebras. .

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