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Development of Guidelines for the Design of Functionally Integrated Molds for a Novel Vacuum Assisted Resin Infusion Process
1 Introduction and State of the Art
2 Experimental Determination of the Optimum Flow Channel Geometry
2.1 Experimental Setup and Parameters
2.2 Execution and Evaluation of Experiments
2.3 Experimental Validation of Flow Channel Geometry on Complex Application Examples
3 Summary and Outlook
Challenges and Opportunities of Industry 4.0 at Mold Production Engineering and Management
1 Introduction

2 Mold Production Engineering and Management
3 Technological Platforms Applied to the Mold Industry
3.1 Functionality and Components Required
3.2 Network for Mold Industries
3.3 Conceptual Model
4 Conclusion
Influence of Mechanical Processing on the Durability of Parts in Additive Manufacturing Conditions
1 Introduction
2 Literature Review
3 Research Methodology
3.1 Basic Classification of Additive Manufacturing Processes
3.2 Three-Dimensional Study of Molecular Electrostatics of Materials
4 Results
4.1 Microstructural Analysis

4.2 Mechanism of Shear of Structurally Inhomogeneous Materials Under Additive Manufacturing Conditions
4.3 Microhardness of the Surface Layer of High-Speed Steel Grade Materials P6M5
4.4 Microhardness Research for Various Types of Parts
5 Conclusions
ISO 2631 Vibration Analysis in Portuguese Alfa Pendular Trains
1 Introduction
1.1 WBV Evaluation - ISO 2631
2 Materials and Methods
2.1 Equipment
3 Results
3.1 Measurement Results for Car 1
3.2 Measurement Results for Car 4
3.3 Measurement Results for Car 6
4 Discussion
5 Conclusion

2.1 Autonomous/Collaborative Robots (A/CR)
2.2 Big Data (BD)
2.3 Cloud Computing (CC)
2.4 Internet of Things (IoT)
2.5 Horizontal and Vertical System Integration (HVI)
2.6 Simulation and Digital Twin (S and DT)
2.7 Virtual and Augmented Reality (VAR)
2.8 Additive Manufacturing (AM)
2.9 Cyber-Security (CS)
3 I4.0 Technologies Applications in Maintenance Management
4 Conclusions
Design Concept of a Non-invasive Tagging Device for Blue Sharks
1 Introduction
2 Design Requirements and Equipment Selection
2.1 Product's Requirements Identification

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