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Table of Contents
Chapter 1. Risks and Vulnerabilities in the design, construction and operation of offshore wind turbine farms in seismic areas
Chapter 2. Numerical modelling of basin effects on earthquake ground motions in Kutch basin
Chapter 3. Controlled ground-borne vibrations for design of sub-structural systems
theory and practice
Chapter 4. Geotechnical, Geological and Geophysical Investigations for Seismic Microzonation and Site-Specific Earthquake Hazard Analysis in Gujarat
Chapter 5. Seismic Analysis of Pile Foundations using an Integrated Approach
Chapter 6. Numerical Modeling of Liquefaction
Chapter 7. Region Specific Consideration for GMPE Development, Representative Seismic Hazard Estimation and Rock Design Spectrum for Himalayan Region
Chapter 8. Seismic Response of Shallow Foundations on Reinforced Sand Bed
Chapter 9. Seismic Performance Evaluation of Concrete Gravity Dam on Rock Foundation System with Shear Zone
Chapter 10. Visualization of Liquefaction in Soils with PWP Measurements by Tapping
Chapter 11. An Experimental Study on Soil Spring Stiffness of Vibrating Bases on Polypropylene Fibre Reinforced Fine Sand
Chapter 12. Guidelines for minimization of uncertainties and estimation of a reliable shear wave velocity profile using MASW testing: A state of the art review.
Chapter 2. Numerical modelling of basin effects on earthquake ground motions in Kutch basin
Chapter 3. Controlled ground-borne vibrations for design of sub-structural systems
theory and practice
Chapter 4. Geotechnical, Geological and Geophysical Investigations for Seismic Microzonation and Site-Specific Earthquake Hazard Analysis in Gujarat
Chapter 5. Seismic Analysis of Pile Foundations using an Integrated Approach
Chapter 6. Numerical Modeling of Liquefaction
Chapter 7. Region Specific Consideration for GMPE Development, Representative Seismic Hazard Estimation and Rock Design Spectrum for Himalayan Region
Chapter 8. Seismic Response of Shallow Foundations on Reinforced Sand Bed
Chapter 9. Seismic Performance Evaluation of Concrete Gravity Dam on Rock Foundation System with Shear Zone
Chapter 10. Visualization of Liquefaction in Soils with PWP Measurements by Tapping
Chapter 11. An Experimental Study on Soil Spring Stiffness of Vibrating Bases on Polypropylene Fibre Reinforced Fine Sand
Chapter 12. Guidelines for minimization of uncertainties and estimation of a reliable shear wave velocity profile using MASW testing: A state of the art review.