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1 Introduction
1.1 Growth in Aviation
1.2 The Main Power Requirements of Aircraft
1.3 Opportunities in Propulsion Integration
1.4 Research Objective
1.5 Book Overview
2 Propulsion Integration
2.1 Characteristics of Uninstalled Propulsion
2.2 Introduction to Propulsion Integration
2.2.1 Thrust/Drag Bookkeeping
2.2.2 Propulsion Integration for Aircraft with Turbofan Engines

2.2.3 Propulsion Integration for Aircraft with Turboprop Engines
2.3 Historical Survey of Propellers in the Wake
2.3.1 Ship Propellers
2.3.2 Pusher Propellers for Aircraft
2.4 Possible Benefits of Boundary Layer Ingestion
2.5 The Challenges of Boundary Layer Ingestion
2.5.1 Inlet Distortion
2.5.2 Noise Emission Issues
2.5.3 Losses in the Inlet
2.5.4 Other Installation Issues
3 A Theoretical Analysis of Boundary Layer Ingestion and Wake Ingestion
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Power Balance Method and Wake System
3.3 The Impact of WI on Power Consumption

3.3.1 Power Balance for a General Wake Ingestion Actuator Disc
3.3.2 Power Conservation for a WI Integrated Vehicle
3.4 Integration Issues for the BLI Configuration
3.4.1 Interaction Impact on Body Profile Drag
3.4.2 Power Balance for the Aircraft Utilizing BLI
3.5 Conclusions
4 Power-Based Analysis of Boundary Layer Ingestion Through Numerical Simulations
4.1 Power Balance Method in Computation Fluid Dynamics
4.1.1 Compatibility Between Finite Volume Method and Power Balance Analysis
4.1.2 Computational Domain

4.1.3 Power Balance Analysis of a Simple Jet in Laminar Flow
4.2 Mechanisms of Boundary Layer Ingestion in Laminar Flow
4.2.1 An Actuator Disc Model in Laminar Flow
4.2.2 A Flat Plate Model in Laminar Flow
4.2.3 An Integrated Vehicle in Laminar Flow
4.3 Power Bookkeeping in Turbulent Flows
4.3.1 A Flat Plate in Turbulent Flow
4.3.2 An Integrated Vehicle in Turbulent Flow
4.4 Summary of Numerical Simulations
5 Experimental Study of the Flow Mechanisms Associated with a Propulsor Ingesting a Body Wake
5.1 Introduction

5.2 Experimental Set-Up and Procedure
5.2.1 Test Configurations
5.2.2 Wind Tunnel and Experimental Models
5.2.3 Stereoscopic PIV Measurement Set-Up
5.2.4 Pressure Measurements Using the Pitot-Static Tube
5.2.5 Measurement Uncertainties
5.3 Experimental Results and Analysis
5.3.1 Results of the Sensor Measurement
5.3.2 PIV-Based Flow Field Analysis
5.3.3 Comparison and Discussion
5.4 Conclusions
6 Conclusions and Recommendations
6.1 Observations in Theoretical, Numerical, and Experimental Research
6.2 Conclusions
6.3 Recommendations

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