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Historical Overview
Theory and Understanding
Combination of RS and Other Techniques
Pigments, Dyes and Coloured Agents
Cultural Heritage Meets Art Forensics
Jewellery and Gemstones
Cave Paintings and Rock Art
From Frescoes to Paintings
Analytical Raman Spectroscopy of Manuscripts and Maps: The Role of Inks
Patina, Corrosion and Conservation Treatment
Glass, Pottery, Enamelled Artefacts
Archaeology of Biomaterials: Mummies, Ivories, Resins, and Textiles
Raman Spectroscopy and Industrial Archaeology
Raman Spectroscopic Analysis of a Putative Century Oil Painting Depicting William Shakespeare
Noli Me Tangere : A renaissance Original? A Holistic Analytical Spectroscopic Challenge
A Case Study. Raman Spectroscopic Analysis Of Welsh Porcel
Case Study: In-Field and On-Site Raman Spectroscopic Analysis
Case Study: Non-Invasively Documenting the Transfer of Enamelling Technology form Europe to China and Japan. The role of the Jesuits in the 17th Century
Case Study: The Shroud of Turin - Iconic Relic or Fake? The Role of Raman spectroscopic Analysis in its Forensic Appraisal
Case Study: A Unique Rockingham English Porcelain Table. A Holistic Forensic Analysis
A Little Knowledge is Dangerous Thing. A Miscellany of Faux-Pas in the Cultural Heritage Of Literature
Raman Analysis: What is Straightforward, What is Difficult and Future Perspectives.

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