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Robustness of Congestion Pricing in Traffic Networks with Link-specific Noise
Explanation-based Negotiation Protocol for Health Coaching
Cooperative driving at intersections through agent-based argumentation
Dyadic Obligations: Proofs and Countermodels via Hypersequents
On Normative Reinforcement Learning via Safe Reinforcement Learning
Analysis of Carbon Neutrality Scenarios of Industrial Consumers Using Electric Power Market Simulations
Task Allocation on Networks with Execution Uncertainty
Incorporating AI methods in micro-dynamic analysis to support group-specific policy-making
False-Name-Proof Facility Location on Wheel Graphs
Improving Problem Decomposition and Regulation in Distributed Multi-Agent Path Finder (DMAPF)
Assume-Guarantee Verification of Strategic Ability
Sample Complexity of Learning Multi-Value Opinions in Social Networks
A Hybrid Model of Traffic Assignment and Control for Autonomous Vehicles
MTIRL: Multi-trainer interactive reinforcement learning system
Action Languages Based Actual Causality in Decision Making Contexts
Goal-oriented coordination with cumulative goals
Optimal Parameter Selection Using Explainable AI for Time-Series Anomaly Detection
Does Order Simultaneity Affect the Data Mining Task in Financial Markets?
Effect Analysis of Order Simultaneity using Artificial Market
Fine-grained Prediction and Control of Covid-19 Pandemic in a City: Application to Post-Initial Stages
Preference Aggregation Mechanisms for a Tourism-Oriented Bayesian Recommender
Weaponizing Actions in Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning: Theoretical and Empirical Study on Security and Robustness
Learning to Classify Logical Formulas based on their Semantic Similarity
Time Series Predictive Models for Opponent Behavior Modeling in Bilateral Negotiations
An MCTS-based Algorithm to Solve Sequential CFGs on Valuation Structures
The FastMap Pipeline for Facility Location Problems
An Axiomatic Approach to Formalized Responsibility Ascription
Task Selection Algorithm for Multi-Agent Pickup and Delivery with Time
Dynamic Continuous Distributed Constraint Optimization Problems
DITURIA: A Framework for Decision Coordination Among Multiple Agents
Evaluating Adaptive and Non-adaptive Strategies for Selecting and Orienting Influencer Agents for Effective Flock Control
A Proportional Pricing Mechanism for Ridesharing Services With Meeting Points
Privacy-Aware Explanations for Team Formation
A New Semantics for The Action Language mA*
Coalition Logic for Specification and Verification of Smart Contract Upgrades
Collaborative Multi-Agent System for Automatic Linear Text Segmentation
Start Making Sense: Identifying Behavioural Indicators When Things Go Wrong During Interaction with Artificial Agents
Comparing mediated and unmediated agent-based negotiation in Wi-Fi channel assignment
Design of Conversational Components to Facilitate Human-Agent Negotiation
AN Using Local Search in Multi-Issue Bilateral and Repeated Negotiation
Ontology-based Reflective Communication for Shared Human-AI Recognition of Emergent Collaboration Patterns
Accounting for Strategic Response in Limit Order Book Dynamics
Multi-Agent Modelling Notation (MAMN): A multi-layered graphical modelling notation for agent-based simulations
On Reachable Assignments under Dichotomous Preferences
Identifying Necessary and Sufficient Conditions for the Enforcement Problem of Argumentation Frameworks
Collaborative filtering to capture AI user's preferences as norms
Influence Of Expertise Complementarity on Ad Hoc Human-Agent Team Effectiveness
STV+AGR: Towards Verification of Strategic Ability Using Assume-Guarantee Reasoning.

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