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1 Sex as Work: Decriminalisation and the Management of Brothels in New Zealand
1.1 Models of Sex Industry Governance
1.2 The Brothel Sector in New Zealand
1.3 A (Very) Brief History of the Prostitution Reform Act
1.4 Post-Decriminalisation New Zealand Brothels and Their Management
1.5 The Participants and a Note on Method
1.6 Researcher Positionality
1.7 Overview of the Book
2 Decriminalisation and Its Discontents: The Governance of Sex Work
2.1 The Prostitution Reform Act and the New Zealand Model

2.2 Understanding the Prostitution Reform Act [2003]
2.3 Managerial Logics of Destigmatisation
2.4 Condoms and Covid: Hygiene and Morality
2.5 On Justice: New Relationships with the Police
2.6 Ethical Dilemmas: Section 19 and Migrant Sex Workers
2.7 Conclusions
3 The Oldest Profession: Sex as Work
3.1 Bureaucratic Mainstreaming: Seeking Legitimacy Through Admin
3.2 Businesswomen and Independent Contractors
3.3 Towards Professionalisation: Rules, Norms and Good Workers
'The Right Girl': Being an Acceptable Sex Worker
3.4 Conclusions

4 The Moral Economy of the Brothel
4.1 Mainstreaming Brothels: Monoculture and Legitimacy
4.2 Communities of Practice and Normative Governance
4.3 Sex Work, Kinship and Community
4.4 Mummy Madams and Familial Obligations
4.5 Date Expectations: Private Realm and Authenticity
4.6 Conclusions
5 Our Right to Say Yes, Our Right to Say No
5.1 Curating Consent in Professionalised Sex Work
5.2 Refusing and Terminating Bookings
5.3 Silencing Violence in the Managed Brothel
5.4 The Complaints Department
5.5 Conclusions

6 Decriminalisation and the Sex Worker Ideal: Compliance and Corporation
6.1 Stigma and the Corporate Social Responsibility of Brothels
6.2 The Sovereign Force of the Prostitution Reform Act
6.3 Silencing Subjects: The Production of Sex Work as Work
6.4 Resistance, or, Administrative Reform is not a Revolution
6.5 Concluding Remarks

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