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Part I Blockchain Fundamentals
Fundamentals of Blockchain Technology
1 Introduction
2 Blockchain Features and Architecture
2.1 Proof of Work (PoW)
2.2 Proof of Stake (PoS)
2.3 Proof of Burn (PoB)
2.4 Proof of Capacity (PoC)
2.5 Proof of Elapsed Time (PoET)
3 Smart Contracts
4 Security Features
4.1 Security on Infrastructure
4.1.1 Decentralisation
4.1.2 Transparency
4.1.3 Immutability
4.1.4 Consistency
4.2 Security on Transactions
5 Applications
5.1 Electronic Voting

5.2 Healthcare Services
5.3 Identity Management
5.4 Access Control
5.5 Decentralised Notaries
5.6 Supply Chain Management
6 Conclusion and Future Works
Identification of Illicit Blockchain Transactions Using Hyperparameters Auto-tuning
1 Introduction
2 Related Work
3 Experimental Dataset
4 Experimental Setup and Evaluation
4.1 Offline Learning
4.2 Online Learning
4.3 PCA Analysis
5 Conclusions
Multidimensional Blockchain: Construction and Security Analysis
1 Introduction
2 Robust Distributed Ledgers

3 Multidimensional Blockchain
4 Multidimensional Blockchain Security Analysis
4.1 Security Analysis of Underlying Robust Distributed Ledgers
4.2 Intersystem Exchange Security Analysis
4.3 Scaling Security Analysis
5 Search and Verification Protocol
6 Theoretical and Experimental Analysis
7 Conclusion
Blockchain Project Workflow Execution for Trustless Operation
1 Introduction
2 Literature Review
2.1 Blockchain and Workflow Operations
2.2 Salient Features of Blockchain
2.3 Blockchain Structure
2.4 Project Workflow Trustless Operation

2.5 Smart Contract and Workflow Project Dynamics
2.6 Structure of the Smart Contract in Workflow
2.7 Smart Contracts and Traditional Contracts
2.8 Smart Contract Applications
2.9 Advantages of Smart Contracts
2.10 Information and Sharing in Inter-organizational Workflows
2.11 Blockchain-Smart Contract Workflow Solutions
2.12 Project Workflow Execution Layers
3 Proposed Methodology
4 Results and Discussions
4.1 Smart Contracts: Ethereum Platform
4.2 Concept of Cryptocurrency
4.3 Decentralized Applications (DApps)
5 Survey Research on Blockchain Applications

5.1 Smart Contract and Blockchain in Food Tracing
5.2 Blockchain in Food Traceability: A Systematic Literature Review
5.3 Blockchain Technology in Supply Chain
5.4 Towards Automated Migration for Blockchain-Based Decentralized Application
5.5 Ensure Traceability in European Food Supply Chain by Using a Blockchain System
5.6 A Proof-of-Concept of Farmer-to-Consumer Food Traceability on Blockchain for Local Communities
5.7 Blockchain and IoT-Based Food Traceability for Smart Agriculture
5.8 A Trustworthy Food Resume Traceability System Based on Blockchain Technology
5.9 Smart Contract and Blockchain in Food Tracing

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