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From Linda
From Eileen
From Us Both
To All the People We Have Named and Not Named
About This Book
A Gentle Warning
How We Have Used Boxes in the Text
What's in a Name? From Refugees to Forcibly Displaced Persons
How Have We Defined and Used the Descriptors the Global North and the Global South, Developed and Developing Countries
Burma or Myanmar
Our Place in the Story
About the Authors
List of Figures
1 Prologue: Why This Story Has to Be Told-A Small Cog in a Large Wheel of International Advocacy

Rape in Conflict Is Not a New Story
How Our Journey Began
Academics or Activists? Daring to Say 'Action Research'
The Importance of the Theoretical Framework
Politics from the Start-Refugee Policy in Australia
A Complex Story
2 Opening Pandora's Box: Rape, Sexual Abuse and Refugee Women: 1989-1990
Joining the ANCCORW Team
The Research Project
Unintended Consequence and Unexpected Findings
How the Findings Were Received Mid-Point
Theory and Discussion
The Rationalist Paradigm
The Political Paradigm
The 'Sacred' and the 'Profane'

The Dialectic of Change
Action Research-More Than a Research Method
3 From the Local to the International: Domestic Politics and International Advocacy 1990-1992
Becoming an 'Expert'
Thrown in the Deep End
No More 'Mr Nice Guys'
Advocacy and Lobbying Activities for the WaR Program
Smoke and Mirrors-The Failure of a Process
Conquering the United Nations
The Structure of the United Nations
How UN Law and Policy is Written
Why is the United Nations so Important to This Story?
A Recipe for Successful Advocacy

What Theoretical Analysis Taught Us
4 Rape as a War Crime: The Road to the 4th World Conference, Beijing 1993-1995
From the Local to the Global
A Racially Motivated Response
The Uneasy Coming Together of Advocacy at Domestic and International Levels
Onwards to Beijing
Building Momentum: The Preparatory Meetings for the Beijing Conference
The Asia-Pacific NGO Regional Planning Meeting, Manila, November 1993
Back in Australia, February 1994
The Regional Expert Group Meeting, Bangkok February 1994

The First International Planning Meeting for the NGO Forum, New York, March 1994
UN Economic and Social Council Asia-Pacific Jakarta, September 1994
Pride Comes Before a Fall!
Regional NGO Working Group Meeting, Bangkok, November 1994
Final Preparations for Beijing
The Fourth World Conference on Women, Beijing, September 1995-The NGO Forum
The Inter-Governmental Conference
Theory and Discussion
The Critical Structuralist Paradigm
Feminist Analysis and the Policy Process
Discourse and the Policy Process
The Challenge of Structural and Operational Change

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