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Table of Contents
About the Author
About the Technical Reviewer
Foreword by Mike Shebanek, Meta
Foreword by Larry Goldberg, XR Access
Chapter 1: The Billion People Question
What Is a Disability?
What Is Accessibility? What Is Inclusion? What Is the Difference?
Power in Numbers
The Rich History of Innovation Inspired by People with Disabilities
Policy and Regulations
Case Study: Data Visualization for the Blind
Step 1: How Do We Summarize the Information Without a Visual Representation?

Step 2: How Do We Let the User Dive Deeper into the Data at Points of Interest?
Step 3: Why Do We Need a Chart on the Screen If the User Is Blind?
Step 4: Why a Dedicated, Full-Screen Experience?
Step 5: What Are the Options for Customization?
Step 6: How Else Can We Make This Better?
Case Study Takeaway
The Greatest Challenge
Mobile Focus
Chapter 2: The Chicken or the Egg?
Measuring Impact
What About Products Already on the Market?
Note on Roughly Quantifying Overhead of Audits

Chapter 3: The Basics: Functional User Needs and Common Solutions
User Needs by Type of Disability and Examples of Assistive Technologies
People with Visual Impairments
Alternative Text
Image Processing and Machine Learning in Action
Meaningful Sequence, Grouping, and Hierarchy
Dynamic Sizing
Colors Alone Are Not Used to Convey Meaning
Links and Other Actions That Lead to Context Change Have Clear Descriptions
An Auto-playing Video or Audio Should Not Interfere with the Screen Reader
Synchronized Video Content Has Audio Descriptions
Beyond Compliance

People with Hearing Impairment
Audio and Video Content Include Captions
Sound Cues Alone Are Not Used to Convey Meaning
Beyond Compliance
Case Study: Transcripts and Captions
People with Cognitive Impairment
Content Is Organized, Digestible, and Consistent
Timeouts or Limits on Interactions Are Adjustable
Animations, Complex Language, and Auto-updating Content Can Be Turned Off or Paused
Instructions and Errors on Forms Are Presented as Text, and in Context
Captcha and Other Authentication Methods Have Alternatives
Focus Indicator Is Visible
Beyond Compliance

People with Speech Impairment
Primarily Voice Input Applications Provide Alternative Ways of Interaction
Beyond Compliance
People with Mobility Impairment
All Content Is Accessible Through a Keyboard
Motion Actuation, Pointer Focus, or Activation Is Reversible
Beyond Compliance
Avoid Using Jargon or Unnecessarily Complicated Language
Adhere to Global Settings
Allow Users to Provide Feedback
Chapter 4: Gameplan
Addressing Existing Issues
The Software Product Lifecycle: Embedding Inclusion
Product Management
User Research and Insights

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