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Part 1 - Basic knowledge and tools to apply statistics
Statistics is fun
Excel: A brief introduction and the statistical possibilities
Part 2 - Describe, nothing but describe
Mean values: How people and objects behave on average
Scatter: The deviation from average behavior
Graphs: The possibility to represent data visually
Correlation: Of the correlation
Ratio and index numbers: The chance to generate new things from old knowledge
Part 3 - From Few to All
Of Data and the Truth
Hypotheses: Just a specification of the question
Normal distribution and other test distributions
Hypothesis testing: What is Valid?
Part 4 - Procedures for Testing Hypotheses
The Mean Test
The Test for Difference of Means in Independent Samples
The Test for Difference of Means in Dependent Samples
The Analysis of Variance for Testing for Group Differences in More than Two Groups
The Test for Correlation in Metric, Ordinal, and Nominal Data
Further Test Procedures for Nominal Variables
Summary Part IV - Overview of testing procedures
Part 5 - Regression analysis
The linear single regression
The multiple regression analysis
Part 6 - What's next
Brief report on a research question
Further statistical procedures
Interesting and further statistics books
Another data set to practice on - Intern of a company

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