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Part I. Adapting to a New World
Chapter 1. Photo-Based Research with Vulnerable Groups: Breaking Frames for Researchers, Participants, and Audiences
Chapter 2. Breaking the Shackles of Academic Capitalism: Academic Life, Liberation and Ethnographic Innovation
Chapter 3. Mixed Methods: A Justification, Explication, and Example
Part II. The Growing Relevance of the Online World
Chapter 4. Smart Researching in Criminology: Virtual Ethnography at the Edge
Chapter 5. Researching Political Corruption and White-Collar Crime on the Internet
Chapter 6. Online Methods in Qualitative Criminology
Part III. Methodological Innovations
Chapter 7. Trigger Warnings, Feeling Rules and Other Lessons from the Inside: The Emotional Labour of Qualitative Prison Research
Chapter 8. Sensory Heteroglossia and Social Control: Sensory Methodology and Method
Chapter 9. Towards visual and sensory methodologies in Green Cultural Criminology
Part IV. The Connecting Power of Languages
Chapter 10. How to Deal with Doing Social Inequality by Doing Criminological (Qualitative) Research
Chapter 11. Shooting Poachers on Site: Reflections in the Use of Photography in Active Offender Research
Chapter 12. Language Matters: Doing Systematic (Critical) Discourse Analysis in Crimininology
Part V. Praxis: Pondering and Publishing
Chapter 13. The Future is Already Here: Covid-19, Criminology, and Crime
Chapter 14. Being ethical in research
Chapter 15. What Now and How? Publishing the Qualitative Journal Article.

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