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Chapter 1: Introduction
PART 1: History and organization
Chapter 2: The Origins. The Utopia of the People and Community
Chapter 3: The Community in Numbers
Chapter 4: Ubi societas, ibi ius: The Legal System
Chapter 5: A Bridge between Inside and Outside: The Economy
Chapter 6: The Politics of a New Spirituality Community
Chapter 7: Children of Damanhur: A "Unique" Education?
PART 2: Culture and spirituality
Chapter 8: Oberto Airaudi and the Community. Before-During-After
Chapter 9: Secrecy and Spirituality: The Horusian Way and Alchemy
Chapter 10: Oberto Airaudi and Selfic Paintings
Chapter 11: Spiritual Tourism
Chapter 12: Heritagization of Temples of Humankind
Chapter 13: The Farewell: Taking Leave from the Community
Chapter 14: Conclusions. .

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