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Chapter 1: Introduction: The 2021-2022 Term at the Supreme Court
Chapter 2: Alabama Assoc. of Realtors, NFIB v. Dep. of Labor, and Biden v. Missouri on the Pandemic Restrictions
Chapter 3: American Hospital Association v. Becerra on Deference to Federal Agencies
Chapter 4: Biden v. Texas on Immigration Policy at the US/Mexico Border
Chapter 5: Carson v. Makin on Religion and Schools
Chapter 6: Dobbs v. Jackson Womens Health on Abortion and Roe v. Wade
Chapter 7: FBI v. Fazaga and US v. Zubaydah on State Secrets and the Post-9/11 Cases
Chapter 8: Kennedy v. Bremerton on Religious Expression in Schools
Chapter 9: NY State Rifle & Pistol v. Bruen on the Second Amendment and Concealed Carry Laws
Chapter 10: Ramirez v. Collier on the Death Penalty and Religious Rights
Chapter 11: Shurtleff v. Boston on Free Expression and Government Speech
Chapter 12: US v. Vaello Madero on Puerto Rico in the Constitutional Order
Chapter 13: Vega v. Tekoh on Enforcement of the Miranda Rule)
Chapter 14: West Virginia v. EPA on the Clean Air Act and Federal Agency Powers
Chapter 15: Whole Womans Health v. Jackson on Delegated Enforcement of Abortion Restrictions
Chapter 16: The Legacy of Justice Stephen Breyer
Chapter 17: Justice Amy Coney Barretts First Years on the Court
Chapter 18: The Influence of the Trump Justices and the New Court Majority
Chapter 19: The Leak of the Dobbs Draft.

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