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About This Book
About the Author
1 Overview
2 The Making of the Internet Treaties
2.1 Prehistory
2.1.1 TRIPS Rejuvenates Berne
2.1.2 The Digital Tsunami
2.1.3 Precocious Policy Response
2.2 The Preparatory Phase
2.2.1 WIPO Committees of Experts
2.2.2 Jinxed Database Treaty
2.3 DipCon
2.3.1 High Drama of DipCon
2.3.2 The Spectre that Haunted the Uruguay Round and DipCon: Audio-visual Performances and Services
2.3.3 Digital Agenda

2.4 Initial Reactions to the DipCon Outcomes
2.4.1 WIPO and Its Functionaries
2.4.2 Opponents of Lehman Report
2.4.3 Private Interest Groups
2.4.4 WIPO Member States
2.5 Overall Assessment
2.5.1 What Is Special About the TRIPs and Internet Treaties
Appendix: An Indian Negotiator's Tale
Opportunity Knocks the Door
Preparations for Negotiations
The U.S. Lobbies
General Consultations, Geneva (October 1996)
Negotiations Between Organisations: Securing Negotiating Mandate
Lobbying by Interest Groups Begins

Asian Group Regional Meeting: Chiang Mai, Thailand (November 1996)
Curtain Raiser: 15 + 15 + 1 + 1 Meeting
DipCon Venue: Mega Bazaar
DipCon: Starting Trouble
Midlife Crisis: Champagne and Broken Glass
Nail Biting Climax: Reproduction Right
Indian Reaction to Negotiation Outcomes
3 The Making of DMCA (U.S. Implementation Legislation)
3.1 Politics of Making DMCA
3.2 Policy Negotiations and Outcome
3.2.1 Anticircumvention Provisions (S.1201)
3.2.2 Secondary Liability of Intermediaries (S.512)
3.2.3 Academic Critique of DMCA
3.3 Turn of the Tide

3.4 'Export' of DMCA Provisions Through Trade Agreements
4 New Technologies Unleash Creative Destruction
4.1 Peer-to-Peer File Sharing Bursts on the Copyright Landscape
4.2 Legal Challenge to P2P File Sharing Service Providers
4.3 Sledgehammer to Swat a Fly: Backlash Against Copyright
4.4 New Actors Make Copyright Policy Environment More Complex
4.5 Advent of Web 2.0 Promotes Interactivity and Activism
4.6 Second Wave Legislation
4.7 Graduated Response
4.8 New Business Models: Digital Renaissance
4.9 Study of S.1201 by U.S. Copyright Office (2017)

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