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Part I Bodies
Introducing Bodies
Where Do We Go from Here: Transitivity and Journey Narratives in Eleanor Rykener
Reorienting Disorientation: Hildegard von Bingens Depiction of the Female Body as Erotic, Fertile, and Holy
Seeing Mobility in Static Images: Tools for Non-Binary Identification in Late Medieval Sources
Part II Spaces
Troubling Spaces: Taking up Space and Being Taken by Generative Scholarship
"Here I Am, In This Far-Off Land Where We Are Now?": encountering and Observing Rus Women in Ibn Fadlans Risala
Disorienting Masculinity: Movement, Emotion and Chivalric Identity in Partonope of Blois
Part III Transcendence
Troubling Mobilities: Transcendence
Inspiring Anchoritic Mobility: Orientation, Transgression and Agency in the Katherine Groups Seinte Margarete
Trans Animacies and Premodern Alchemies
Greenland as a Horizon: Approaching Queer Utopianism in Floamanna Saga
Afterword; Afterwards.

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