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Part I: Nietzsche and the Political Right
Chapter 1: Nietzsches Critique of Egalitarian Post-Christianity
Chapter 2: Nietzsche, Politics, and Truth in an Age of Post-Truth
Chapter 3: Nietzsche as Muse to the Far Right
Chapter 4: The Genealogy of Socialist Morality: Some Preliminary Thoughts On Nietzsche, G.A. Cohen and the Argumentative Value of Moral Disgust
Part II: Nietzsches Critique of Modernity
Chapter 5: Nietzsche and Losurdo on the Enlightenment and the French Revolution
Chapter 6: Not Beyond Politics: The Metaphysical Dimensions of Nietzsches Anti Democratism in Beyond Good and Evil
Chapter 7: Unhappy the Land Where Heroes Are Needed: Nietzsches Overman in Dark Times
Chapter 8: Nietzsche, Aristotle, and Aristocratic Being
Part III: The Aesthetic Politics of Value
Chapter 9: Nietzsches Dionysus vs. The Nihilism of Social Media Shitposting
Chapter 10: Animals Sick with Language: From Syntax to Socialism in Nietzsche
Chapter 11: Recurrent Reaction: Nietzsche and the Reaction of the Middle French Strata
Chapter 12: Negative Politics: Nietzsche
Chapter 12: The Warnings of Nietzsches Works: Rhetorical Persuasion in Triumph of the Will (1935) and Death of a Nation (2018).

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