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Workshop on Data Science for Social Good (SoGood 2022)
Preface from the workshop organisers
Gender Stereotyping Impact on Facial Expression Recognition
A Social Media Tool for Domain-Specific Information Retrieval - A Case Study in Human Trafficking
A Unified Framework for Assessing Energy Efficiency of Machine Learning
Fault Detection in Wastewater Treatment Plants: Application of Autoencoders Models with Streaming Data
A Temporal Fusion Transformer for Long-term Explainable Prediction of Emergency Department Overcrowding
Exploitation and Merge of Information Sources for Public Procurement Improvement
Geovisualisation tools for reporting and monitoring Transthyretin-associated Familial Amyloid Polyneuropathy disease
Evaluation of Group Fairness Measures in Student Performance Prediction Problems
Combining Image Enhancement Techniques and Deep Learning for Shallow Water Benthic Marine Litter Detection
Ethical and Technological AI Risks Classification: A Human vs Machine Approach
A Reinforcement Learning Algorithm for Fair Electoral Redistricting in Parliamentary Systems
Study on Correlation Between Vehicle Emissions and Air Quality in Porto
Intelligently Detecting Information Online-weaponisation Trends (IDIOT)
Workshop on New Frontiers in Mining Complex Patterns (NFMCP 2022)
Preface from the workshop organisers
Multi-Modal Terminology Management: Corpora, Data Models and Implementations in TermSTAR
Cluster algorithm for social choice
Sentimental Analysis of COVID-19 Vaccine Tweets using BERT+NBSVM
Rules, subgroups and redescriptions as features in classification tasks
Bitpaths: compressing datasets without decreasing predictive performance
Anomaly Detection for Physical Threat Intelligence
Workshop on eXplainable Knowledge Discovery in Data Mining (XKDD 2022)
Preface from the workshop organisers
Is Attention Interpretation? A Quantitative Assessment on Sets
From Disentangled Representation to Concept Ranking: Interpreting Deep Representations in Image Classification tasks
RangeGrad: Explaining Neural Networks by Measuring Uncertainty through Bound Propagation
An Empirical Evaluation of Predicted Outcomes as Explanations in Human-AI Decision-Making
Local Multi-Label Explanations for Random Forest
Interpretable and Reliable Rule Classification based on Conformal Prediction
Measuring the Burden of (Un)fairness Using Counterfactuals
Are SHAP values biased towards high-entropy features?
Simple explanations to summarise Subgroup Discovery outcomes: a case study concerning patient phenotyping
Limits of XAI task performance evaluation: an e-sport prediction example
Improving the quality of rule-based GNN explanations
Exposing Racial Dialect Bias in Abusive Language Detection: Can Explainability Play a Role?
On the Granularity of Explanations in Model Agnostic NLP Interpretability
Workshop on Uplift Modeling (UMOD 2022)
Preface from the workshop organisers
Estimating the impact of coupon non-usage
Shrinkage estimators for uplift regression
Workshop on IoT, Edge and Mobile for Embedded Machine Learning (ITEM 2022)
Preface from the workshop organisers
Hierarchical Design Space Exploration for Distributed CNN Inference at the Edge
Automated Search for Deep Neural Network Inference Partitioning on Embedded FPGA
Framework to Evaluate Deep Learning Algorithms for Edge Inference and Training
Hardware Execution Time Prediction for Neural Network Layers
Enhancing Energy-eiciency by Solving the Throughput Bottleneck of LSTM Cells for Embedded FPGAs
Accelerating RNN-based Speech Enhancement on a Multi-Core MCU with Mixed FP16-INT8 Post-Training Quantization
LDRNet: Enabling Real-time Document Localization on Mobile Devices.

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