Linked e-resources


1. Introduction
Part 1: Indigenous rights and representation
2. Native Customary Rights land titles and thwarting deforestation: Digital acts of resistance among Sarawak's indigenous peoples
3. 'Some Orang Asli still think Najib is PM': Representations and self-representations of the Orang Asli in the Cameron Highlands byelection
Part 2: Migrant and refugee discourses
4. Romance through digital avatars: Online courtship, representation and 'catfishing' amongst irregular female migrants in Sabah
5. Grateful politics: Rohingya and social media in the time of the pandemic
Part 3: The 'Othered' minorities
6. Confronting Malaysian Indian stereotypes and state neglect: The 'SuguPavithra' episode within mainstream national discourse
7. 'Our online-ness matters': The construction of social media presences by Malaysian LGBTQ Communities
8. A 'blue ocean' for marginalised radical voices: Cyberspace, social media and extremist discourse in Malaysia.

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