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Prototypes and electroactive actuators design
Subsonic regime sRS wing
Transonic regime tRS wing
Control law definition
Experimental study of the aerodynamic performance increase Subsonic regime
Transonic regime
Prototype and actuator design
Sensing multipoint system through Bragg grating
Control law definition
Experimental study - characterization of the LS in take-off conditions
Advanced CFD
Structural mechanics involving electroactive properties
Numerical results on the sRS prototype: take-off conditions
Numerical results on the tRS prototype: cruise conditions
Numerical results on the LS prototype: take-off and landing
Sensitivity analysis through adjoined-based MDO
Numerical results on the whole aircraft (morphing A320)
Synthesis on the numerical simulations major outcomes
sRS control for aerodynamic performance increase
tRS final experimental evaluation in cruise
LS final experimental evaluation in take-off and landing
Synthesis on the final demonstrators.

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