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Chapter 1 The perpetual battle of bacteria and phages
Chapter 2 Orchestration of the plant microbiome for enhanced agriculture
Chapter 3 Plant growth promoting rhizobacteria to mitigate biotic and abiotic stress in plants
Chapter 4 Ecology and mechanisms of plant growth promoting rhizobacteria.-Chapter 5 Diversity and evolution of nitrogen fixing bacteria
Chapter 6 Encapsulation of biofertilizers, biopesticides and biocontrol agents
Chapter 7 Induced systematic resistance and plant immunity
Chapter 8 Microbial elicitors for priming plant defense mechanisms
Chapter 9 Microbial mitigation of abiotic stress in crops
Chapter 10 Microbial alleviation of abiotic and biotic stresses in rice
Chapter 11 Nutritional biofortification of crops by microbes
Chapter 12 Microbial rejuvenation of soils for sustainable agriculture
Chapter 13 Microbial remediation of agricultural residues
Chapter 14 The biotechnological story of microbial genes from soil to transgenic plants
Chapter 15 Microbial biosurfactants in the green agricultural technology
Chapter 16 Role of microbes in the synthesis of industrial products from lignocellulosic materials.

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