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Chapter 1. Introduction. Andrew Parker, Alexandra Gerbasi, & Cecile Emery
PART I: The effect of network relationships on individual performance in organizations
Chapter 2. Unpacking the link between intrinsic motivational orientation and innovative performance: A social network perspective (Gianluca Carnabuci, Vojkan Nedkovski, & Marco Guerci)
Chapter 3. Brokering ones way to trust and success: Trust, helping, and network brokerage in organizations (Andrew Parker, Don Ferrin, & Kurt Dirks)
Chapter 4. Women alone in the middle: Gender differences in the occupation and leverage of social network brokerage roles (Inga Carboni)
PART II: The effect of network relationships on individual attitudes and behaviors
Chapter 5: Satisfied in the outgroup: How Co-Worker Relational Energy Compensates For Low-Quality Relationships With Managers(Alexandra Gerbasi, Ccile Emery, Kristin Cullen-Lester, & Michelle Mahdon)
Chapter 6: Structural Embeddedness and Organizational Change: The Role of Workplace Relations and the Uptake of New Practices(Emily Rowe & Leroy White)
Chapter 7: Business Before Pleasure? Bringing Pleasure Back Into Workplace Relationships(Christine Moser, Dirk Deichmann, & Mariel Jurriens)
PART III: Knowledge Relationships in Organizations
Chapter 8: Multiple Identities and Multiple Relationships: An Exploratory Study of Freelancers Knowledge-Seeking Behavior(Paola Zappa, Marco Tonellato & Stefano Tasselli)
Chapter 9: In the Mind of the Beholder: Perceptual (Mis)Alignment About Dyadic Knowledge Transfer in Organizations(Robert Kae & Eric Quintane)
Chapter 10: Networks, Knowledge, And Rivalry: The Effect of Performance and Co-Location on Perceptions of Knowledge Sharing(Andrew Parker, Alexandra Gerbasi, & Kristin Cullen-Lester)
Part IV: Friendship and Trust in Organizations
Chapter 11: Workplace Friendships: Antecedents, Consequences, and New Challenges for Employees and Organizations(Natalie David, Julia Brennecke, & James A. Coutinho)
Chapter 12: Friendship at Work: Inside the Black Box of Homophily(Ajay Mehra & Stephen P. Borgatti)
Chapter 13: A Network Perspective on Interpersonal Trust Dynamics(Jinhan Jiao, Allard Van Riel, Rick Aalbers & Zuzana Sasovova).

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