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Speaking of Things
An Introduction
The Autonomous Aesthetic of Allure: Mary Bauermeister's Needless Needles and Graham Harman's Object Philosophy
Graham Harman's art-object philosophy and Needless Needles
Mary Bauermeister's Needless Needles in the mirror of OOO
Object aesthetics of Needless Needles
Simply things
Things and objects
Instruments and Devices
Poiesis and Technology
Gifts and Sacrifices
Works of Art
Ephemerality and Resistance
On Poetry

Origins and Ends: Understanding the Medium of Painting According to Heidegger's Truth
1. Originating Origins
2. Forestalling Ends
3. Caesura: The End of the End-Painting in the Contracted Field
Object as Symbol: Baudrillard's Thanatopoietic Form
Prelude: On the Paradoxical Logic of Life
Baudrillard's Thanatopoietic Form
Framing Symbolic Exchange
Symbolic Exchange at Work
A Lost Object: Death
Pre-Capitalist Death
The Death Drive: Freud Bataille
Discrete Death: Serres' Quasi-Object
Discreet Death: On the Natural and the Safe

Salute to Life: Reversibility and Artistic Practice
Co-Production: Towards a Relational Ontology of Aesthetic Objects
Beyond Hylomorphism: The Relationality of Becoming Plural
Inscriptions: Co-Production and the Dephasing of the Filmic Art Object
Resume: Artistic Practice as Trans-Individual Becoming
Correspondences: Exploring the Echoes of Jack Spicer's Poetics in the Paintings of Matt Connors
The Object of Non-Aesthetics
Non-Standard Philosophy in Brief
Solid Gifts
Massimo Bartolini's Untitled Untitled (2001)

(Praeludium) Massimo Bartolini's Untitled Untitled
A New Nature of Space
The Method of postulation
The object of the system
Figuring the topologic condition
Object + Subject = Body. An Equation for a non-Euclidean dimension (peractio)
The Lure of Absence: Can there be Process without Artists?
Persistent Materials
A noisy love affair: The Language of Things in the Works of Mark Leckey and Musa paradisiaca
The photographic multiples of Joseph Beuys as an extension of himself
Beuys and his own image
"I'm a sender, I transmit"

The aura of Beuys transmitted through appropriation
And today?
Obsolescence and reinvention: the case study of João Maria Gusmão and Pedro Paiva
Media obsolescence
"Zombie media" and material reinvention
Case study: Portuguese artist-duo, Gusmao and Paiva
Final considerations
A Two-Way Mirror: Narcissism and Surveillance from the Closed Circuit to the Network
Modernist Reflexivity and Video Reflection
The Indexical Beyond the Imprint and the Photograph
The Delay and the Recording: The Irruption of the Other's Gaze
The Forms of the Electronic Apparatus

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