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Introduction: the Exception of the Dutch Enlightenment
Chapter 1 Bayle's Scepticism Revisited
1 The Dutch Refuge between Golden Age and Dutch Enlightenment
2 The Bayle Enigma
3 Bayle on Toleration
4 Bayle's Scepticism
5 Bayle's 'Pyrrhonism'
6 Conclusion
Chapter 2 Bayle and Erasmus: the Politics of Appropriation
1 Erasmus of Rotterdam
2 Bayle on Erasmus
3 Erasmus and Bayle in the Republic of Letters
4 Conclusion
Chapter 3 Bayle's Presence in the Dutch Republic
1 Bayle among the Dutch
2 Justus van Effen and Bernard Mandeville
3 A Sceptical Crisis in the Dutch Republic?
4 Aftermath
Chapter 4 Justus van Effen on Reason and Virtue
1 Introduction
2 Moderate?
3 De Hollandsche Spectator
4 Conclusion
Chapter 5 Dutch Cartesianism and the Advent of Newtonianism
1 Voltaire versus Descartes
2 Dutch Cartesianism and Newtonianism
3 Burchard de Volder
4 Cartesian 'Rationalism'
5 Balthasar Bekker's Cartesianism
6 Bekker on Traces and Testimony
7 Conclusion
Chapter 6 The Waning of the Radical Enlightenment and the Rise of Dutch Newtonianism
1 The Second Stadholderless Period
2 Isaac Newton
3 Early Dutch Newtonianism
4 Physico-Theology
5 Newtonians at Leiden and Utrecht
Chapter 7 The Return of Rationalism
1 The Restoration of the Stadholderate
2 Wolffians at Groningen and Franeker
3 Wolffian Natural Law
4 The Rule of Reason
5 Conclusion
Chapter 8 Frans Hemsterhuis: the Philosopher as Escape Artist
1 'Frisian Socrates'
2 Hemsterhuis and Rousseau
3 Hemsterhuis and Winckelmann
4 Conclusion: Frans Hemsterhuis and the Dutch Enlightenment
Chapter 9 The Batavian Revolution
1 Aan het volk van Nederland
2 The Orangist Response
3 Revolution
4 Philosophy?.

5 A Failure to Launch: Dutch Kantianism
Chapter 10 Tolerating Turks? Perceptions of Islam in the Dutch Republic
1 Dutch Diversity
2 Pirates and Pilgrims
3 Playwrights and Professors
4 A Radical Alternative
Chapter 11 The Rise and Fall of Dutch Cosmopolitanism
1 Dutch Proto-Cosmopolitanism
2 The Recovery of a Moral Imperative
3 Defining Dutch Philosophy and the Limits of Enlightenment
Chapter 12 Eighteenth-Century Censorship of Philosophy
1 Silencing the Radicals
2 Post 1747
3 Fighting Off Foreigners
Chapter 13 Spinoza's Life: 1677-1802
1 Introduction
2 The Sources
3 Toland to Voltaire on the Virtuous Atheist
4 Wolff to Jacobi and Stijl to Collot d'Escury
5 Conclusion

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