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Introduction: From the Mundane to the Sublime : Science, Empire, and the Enlightenment, 1760s-1820s / Peter Boomgaard
Science and the Colonial War-State : British India, 1790-1820 / David Arnold
Collecting and the Pursuit of Scientific Accuracy : The Malaspina Expedition in the Philippines, 1792 / Raquel Reyes
Empire without Science? : The Dutch Scholarly World and Colonial Science around 1800 / Klaas van Berkel
Why Was There no Javanese Galileo? / Gerry van Klinken
For the Common Good : Dutch Institutions and Western Scholarship on Indonesia around 1800 / Peter Boomgaard
"A Religion that is Extremely Easy and Unusually Light to Take On" : Dutch and English Knowledge of Southeast Asian Islam, ca. 1595-1811 / Michael Laffan
A National Obligation : Archaeological Research and Regime Change in Java and the Netherlands in the Early Nineteenth Century / Marieke Bloembergen and Martijn Eickhoff
Meeting Point Deshima : Scholarly Communication between Japan and Europe to around 1800 / Peter Rietbergen
The First Dutch Ethnographic Monograph : De Kaffers aan de Zuidkust van Afrika (1810) by Lodewyk Alberti / Siegfried Huigen
Intellectual Wastelands? : Scholarship in and for the Dutch West Indies up to ca. 1800 / Gert Oostindie.

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