Table of Contents
Preface to yet another book about Buffalo Bill
Overture: A very British affair
Enter Buffalo Bill
Dime novel hero, actor, and "The First Scalp for Custer"
The Wild West, the partners, & "Little Sure Shot"
Eastward Ho!
"The Yankeeries," "Buffalo Billeries," & "The Scalperies"
"By royal command"
Heading north
Doing Europe
The Buffalo Bill express
Positively, definitely, and perhaps the final farewell
The last round-up
Postscripts and curtain call
Round-up of Buffalo Bill's Wild West tours, 1887-1904.
Overture: A very British affair
Enter Buffalo Bill
Dime novel hero, actor, and "The First Scalp for Custer"
The Wild West, the partners, & "Little Sure Shot"
Eastward Ho!
"The Yankeeries," "Buffalo Billeries," & "The Scalperies"
"By royal command"
Heading north
Doing Europe
The Buffalo Bill express
Positively, definitely, and perhaps the final farewell
The last round-up
Postscripts and curtain call
Round-up of Buffalo Bill's Wild West tours, 1887-1904.