

Early influences
Boy days in Kansas
Youthful experiences
In business
Hard times
Accidents and escapes
Adventures on the overland road
Fast driving
Questionable proceedings
A soldier
A wedding
A millionaire
Earning a title
Champion buffalo killer
A courier
An appointment
A tough time
An exciting chase
A military expedition
A desperate fight
Administering justice
Hunting expeditions
Hunting with a grand duke [Alexis]
An actor
A return to the plains
Dangerous work

Illustrations: The author, portrait, on steel
Sincerely yours, W.F. Cody
Youthful adventures
Samuel's fatal accident
Billings as a bocarro [buckaroo]
Billings riding Little Gray
Exciting sport
Staking out lots
My father stabbed
My father's escape
Life or death
Boyish sport
Two to one
Killing my first Indian
A prairie schooner
Wild Bill
Holding the fort
Camping in a sepulchre [sepulcher]
Rafting on the Platte
Riding pony express
Saved by Chief Rain-In-the Face
Changing horses
Attack on stage coach
Alf. Slade killing the driver
The horse thieves den
My escape from the horse thieves
Bob Scott's famous coach ride
Nearly every man had two horses
Wild Bill and the outlaws
Wild Bill's duel
General George A. Custer
Departing riches
Tongues and tenderloins
The Indian horse thieves
The man who fired the gun
Buffalo Bill
Down went his horse
The fire signal
Kit Carson
A good horse
A big joke
Ambushing the Indians
Whoa there!
Delivering dispatches to General Sheridan
The two tramps

Illustrations: Carrying dispatches
Gen'l [General] Phil. Sheridan
Battle on the Arickaree [Arikara]
Bringing meat into camp
General E.A. Carr
A crack shot
A hard crowd
Camping in the snow
A welcome visitor
The recapture of Bevins
Robbing a stage coach
Indian village
The killing of Tall Bull
An old bone
A wedding ceremony
A ride for life
Prairie dog village
McCarthy's fright
Finding the remains of the Buck Party
Spotted Tail
Grand Duke Alexis
Indian exercises
Two-Lance killing a buffalo
An embarrassing situation
Texas Jack
Studying the parts
Behind the footlights
Learning the game
Getting satisfaction
A duel with Chief Yellow-Hand [Yellow Hair]
Scouting on a steamboat
Close quarters
One of the troupe.

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