

LIFE OF DANIEL BOONE: Chapter I. America in the early days ; Contact of the white and red races ; How the pioneer developed into a hero ; Birth of Daniel Boone ; The ancestors of Boone ; Daniel's first adventure ; Becomes a hunter at an early age ; Seeks a hiding place on the Schuylkill ; Boone plays a joke on his bibulous teacher ; Removal of the Boone family to North Carolina ; The Cherokee War
Chapter II. Explorations in the West ; A history of the first expeditions ; Dispute as to when Boone first visited Kentucky ; The record found on a tree ; Boone's autobiography ; The happy hunting grounds of Kentucky ; Boone and companions seek the far west ; The dark and bloody ground ; Why so called ; Capture of Boone by Indians ; A wonderful escape ; Boone's comanions mysteriously missing ; The burned cabin
Chapter III. Alone in the wilderness ; Death of Stuart at the hands of Indians ; Boone left alone ; The fate of his companions ; Return of Boon's brother with glad tidings
Chapter IV. Boone's family removes to Kentucky ; Attack of the Indians ; Earliest efforts at settlement ; War against the Shawanese ; Battle of Pleasant Point ; Another exploration of Kentucky ; Building of Boonesborough Fort
Chapter V. Description of Boonesborough ; Settlement at Harrodsburg ; Founding of Bryan's Station ; Founding of Lexington ; Capture of three white girls by Indians ; Pursuit of the captors ; Attack on the Indians ; Rescue of the girls
Chapter VI. Troubles begin to multiply ; Annoyed by the Indians ; Alarm of the settlers ; Attack on Boonesborough ; Errors in Boone's autobiography
Chapter VII. Boone again made prisoner by the Indians ; Is adopted by the Shawanese ; Wonderful escape of Boone ; A brush with the Indians ; Siege of Boonesborough
Chapter VIII. Boone is ambushed and robbed ; Reflections on his honesty ; Killing of Boone's brother ; Rescue of Boone by Kenton ; Siege of Bryan's Station ; The brave water carriers ; Bringing on the engagement ; Ambush of a relief party ; Girty compelled to retreat
Chapter IX. Pursuit of the Indians ; A critical situation ; Boone's counsel disregarded ; The attack ; The slaughter ; Boone's report of the battle
Chapter X. A retaliatory expedition ; Atrocities perpetrated by the Indians ; Major Ballard's great flight ; Massacre of the Ballard family ; A battle commemorated by the Kentucky legislature ; A negro defends a family ; Heroism of a woman ; Flat-boat emigration ; Massacre of a family and capture of two girls ; Pursuit of the savages ; Rescue of the girls ; Slaughter of the Indians ; First marriage in Cincinnati ; The ill-fated Crawford expedition ; A disastrous retreat ; Burning of Col. Crawford ; Death of Simon Girty
Chapter XI. Cessation of hostility and a period of prosperity ; Boone engages in agricultural pursuits ; Boone discomfits four Indians ; Another threatened invasion ; Trouble with the Indians renewed ; Attack on a settler's cabin ; A horrible story of a massacre ; Killing of the captive girl ; Capture of Simon Kenton and his punishment ; A Mazeppa ride ; A treaty of peace that brought no relief
Chapter XII. Last days of Boone ; He is impoverished and removes to Virginia ; Offers of assistance from the Spanish ; His removal to Missouri ; Acquiring lands in the West ; Boone's autograph letter ; The troubles that beset him. ; His petitions to Congress ; Restrictions on religious worship ; Attack on the post of St. Louis ; Church services in the early days ; How Boone paid his debts ; Death of his wife ; How he passed his latter days ; Boone marks the site for his grave ; Painting of Boone's portrait ; Death of Boone ; Public services over his remains ; The remains honored by Kentucky ; Impressive services ; Twenty-five years after his death; The body removed to Kentucky

LIFE OF DAVY CROCKETT: Chapter I. A unique character in American history ; Murder of Crockett's grandparents by Indians ; Young Crockett's exploit at school ; Runs away from home ; Davy earns his freedom ; Disappointment in love-making ; Courting under difficulties ; Result of a wolf drive ; Married at last
Chapter II. The Creek War ; Attack on Fort Mimms ; The massacre ; Crockett enlists as a volunteer ; Crockett in peril ; A dangerous reconnoiter ; Crockett becomes hunter for the Army ; Crockett's first battle ; A terrible slaughter ; The battle of Talladega ; Dreadful slaughter of the Indians ; Gen. Jackson has reasons for swearing
Chapter III. Resumption of hostilities ; A ground hog case ; A big climb for a little squirrel ; Decapitating two Indians ; Outrages by Indians ; Murder of an Irish family ; Jackson makes a treaty with the Indians
Chapter IV. A philosopher in affliction ; Death of Crockett's wife ; His singular courtship and second marriage ; Crockett as a magistrate ; Some queer methods of administering the law ; Making returns in "verbal writings" ; Crockett a candidate for the legislature ; His woful ignorance ; An original canvass ; Story of the empty barrel ; Discomfitted by a hard question ; His election ; Crockett's wonderful wit ; His convulsing story of the three Dutch millers ; Freshet ; His sacrifices to pay debts ; Removal to the wilderness ; Roust-about on a steam boat ; Preparing for a hunt ; An extraordinary journey after a keg of powder ; Indomitable determination of the man
Chapter V. Crockett's great bear hunts ; Attacked by a wounded bear ; "I got back in all sorts of a hurry" ; Again a candidate ; The bear hunter to the front ; The man from the cave ; Again elected ; Become a candidate for Congress ; His opposition to Jackson ; An extraordinary bear hunt ; Several thrilling incidents ; A curious habit of bears ; Look out for the bears ; A rough and tumble fight ; Crockett beards a bear in its den ; A funny exercise to keep warm ; An earthquake ; Wonderful result of the hunt ; One hundred and five bears killed
Chapter VI. Crockett's disastrous flat-boat experience ; Effect of his defeat for Congress ; Afloat on the Mississippi ; A hair-breadth escape ; Crockett elected to Congress ; Joke of the guinea-hens ; Crockett's dinner with President Adams ; A cruel story at Crockett's expense ; Bring back the goose ; Crockett re-elected to Congress ; His opposition to Jackson
Chapter VII. Grand ovations tendered Crockett ; A tour of the eastern cities ; Crockett's first visit to a big city ; Some droll observations ; His idea of railroad travel ; Crockett at the theatre ; Too many short skirts and not enough plain music ; Temptation of mint employes ; Crockett in New York ; His trip to Boston and Lowell ; Presented with a rifle by Philadelphians ; Crockett's story of how he got out of a quandary ; Banquets and speeches at Pittsburg, Cincinnati and Louisville
Chapter VIII. Crockett again on the stump ; HIs great coon-skin trick ; Bushwacking for votes ; Crockett overwhelmed by his defeat ; A pathetic poem
Chapter IX. Crockett enters the war for Texas independence ; A Punch and Judy exhibition in Little Rock ; An Arkansas traveller ; A moralizing tract peddler ; A laughable situation ; Crockett banqueted ; An Arkansas orchestra ; Crockett again meets the fiddling parson ; Fiddling to the fishes ; A stag dance in the wilderness ; Some religious reflections ; Crockett exposes the gambler ; Drinks all around ; The juggler follows Crockett to Texas ; The bee hunter ; A fight in the streets ; Cooling his vociferous ardor
Chapter X. En route for the Alamo ; Through haunts of the wolf and bear ; A sweet singer's lays to his lady love ; Meeting with a pirate ; "I think you had better take some supper with us" ; A hurricane of buffaloes ; In pursuit of the game ; Lost on the prairie ; A fight with a Mexican lion ; An adventure with Commanche Indians ; The juggler taken by surprise ; A fight with Mexicans
Chapter XI. At the Alamo ; A convivial party ; Brave defenders of the Alamo ; Description of the Alamo ; Massacre of a squad of Texans ; Besieged by the Mexicans ; Resolved to die like brave men ; Attack on the Alamo ; Crockett's great shot ; Capture of the Alamo ; Massacre of the garrison ; Heroic death of Crockett ; Mutilation of the dead bodies ; Story of a Mexican fifer ; Horrible torture of Col. Bowie ; A funeral pyre
Chapter XII. How the news was brought to the States ; Copy of the first dispatch ; Greeley's eulogy on Crockett ; Character of Crockett ; Compared with other great men

LIFE OF KIT CARSON: Chapter 1. Heroes that prepared the way for western settlement ; A tribute to the unremembered ; Early life of Carson ; Anomalous chracter of Carson ; Missouri in the early days ; Kit bound to service as a saddler ; Carson amputates the arm of a wounded comrade ; Acquires the Mexican language ; Becomes the interpreter to a rich merchant ; Joins a band of trappers ; His first fight with Indians ; Nearing death's door ; Robbed by Indians ; Carson pursues the thieves ; A charge into the Indian camp ; Carson forced to flee from Santa Fe ; On another trapping expedition ; A fight with Indians ; Pursued by Crow Indians ; Wounded
Chapter II. A rash undertaking ; Killing an Indian at long range ; Thrilling adventures with a grizzly bear ; Carson wounded while saving a friend ; Carson's duel with a Frenchman ; At the point of starvation ; Extraordinary bravery of Carson in saving a comrade ; Carson's terrible fight with a mountain lion ; Carson's marriage to an Indian girl
Chapter III. Carson engaged to guide Fremont's expedition ; An exciting buffalo hunt ; Pursued by a buffalo ; Guide to Fremont's second expediton ; Privations on the march ; A thrilling incident on the return trip ; Attack on the Indians ; A horrible sight
Chapter IV. The war in California ; Carson again joins Fremont ; A fierce battle with Indians ; Carson as disptach bearer ; Massacre by the Indians and Carson's narrow escape ; Carson's revenge ; Carson's duel with an Indian ; Hostilities begun with the Mexicans ; The Bear flag raised
Chapter V. Carson's service as a scout and guide ; Meeting with Gen. Kearney ; Returning to California ; Terrible situation ; Carson saves the command ; Capture of Los Angeles ; Surrender of the Mexican forces ; Fremont's wild cohort ; Their appearance described by an Englishman
Chapter VI. Carson's fourth Overland journey ; The Mexican Cabelledo ; Precautions used in passing through a hostile country ; The journey of death; An alarm in camp ; Disgusting habits of Digger Indians ; A frightful spectacle ; Wonderful heroism of Carson and Godey ; Bleaching bones of a murdered party ; Wreck of the raft ; Carson proceeds to Washington ; Is lionized by St. Louisians ; Grand reception in Washington
Chapter VII. Carson again called into action ; Founding a town ; Indian outrages ; Murder of a merchant's family ; Carson heading a pursuing party ; Attacking the Indians ; A marvellous escape ; Another fight with Indians ; Carson again resumes trapping ; Drives a herd of sheep to California ; Old friendships renewed
Chapter VIII. Carson's career as an Indian fighter ; Entrusted with an important command ; Indian depredations ; Battle with the Mescaleros ; A wholesale slaughter of Mexican traders by Indians ; Expedition against the Navajoes ; The impregnable Canyon de Chelly ; Carson the first to accomplish its passage ; A wonderful campaign ; Carson especially complimented ; Submission of the Navajoes ; Carson reccomends the reservation system ; War with the Kiowas ; Carson brings the Great Tribes into council ; The last days of Carson ; His character as a pioneer

AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF BUFFALO BILL: Chapter I. Incidents of my childhood ; Iowa in the early days ; Removed to Kansas ; Boyhood experiences in Kansas ; A barbecue to the Indians ; The tide of immigration ; Warfare on the border ; The stabbing of my father ; Father's escape from a mob ; Renewed efforts to kill father ; Efforts to make Kansas a slave state ; My engagement with the great Overland freighters ; A mob outwitted by my mother ; Another attempt on father's life
Chapter II. My first love affair ; A bloody affray at school ; Pursued by the wounded boy's father ; In service on the plains ; My first fight with Indians ; How I killed my first Indian ; A feeling of relief ; On the road to Salt Lake ; Description of a bull outfit ; The trail ; A buffalo stampede ; Capured by Danites ; Burning of the train by Mormons ; On the point of starvation ; Attacked by Indians ; A timely rescue ; Engage in trapping ; A horrible discovery ; Off for Pike's Peak ; Engagment as Pony Express rider
Chapter III. Accidents and escapes ; Trapping on the Republican ; I break my leg ; My partner goes in search of help ; A desperate situation ; Objectionable company ; Indians take possession of my dug-out ; Return of Harrington ; A joyous meeting ; Our return home ; Death of brave Harrington
Chapter IV. Adventures on the Overland Road ; A Pony Express rider again ; Pursued by Indians ; Attack on a stage coach ; A charge through the Indian camp ; A general drunk but only one murder ; A hunt for bear ; A robber's haunt discovered ; In a tight place ; Killing one of the robbers ; My escape ; A newly-made brave
Chapter V. An inglorious service ; Bushwhacking in Missouri ; A meeting with Wild Bill ; Busted at a horse-race ; A duel in the street
Chapter VI. How I became a soldier ; With the Jayhawkers ; A singular meeting with Wild Bill ; Acting as a spy ; A pleasant little episode ; A wonderful escape
Chapter VII. Courtship and marriage ; My bridal trip ; Taken for a desperado ; A party of our own ; A close call ; Keeping an hotel ; Acting as a guide to Custer ; A fight with the Indians ; A cholera outbreak
Chapter VIII. A millionaire in prospective ; A howl from Rome ; A gentleman that just dropped in ; Contractor on the K.P.R.R. ; A little sport with the hostiles ; Brigham to the front ; A pretty buffalo drive ; A big surprise for the officers ; In pursuit of Indians ; An excited colored gentleman ; How I received the title "Buffalo Bill" ; Race for my scalp ; A great shot ; Sauce for the gander ; Run to cover by Indians ; Sending up a signal for help
Chapter IX. Champion buffalo killer ; A match with Comstock ; A dash into the herd ; An exhibition for the ladies ; Riding a naked horse into the herd ; Tragic death of Comstock ; Brigham and I part company ; A trick of Brigham's
Chapter X. Acting as special scout ; Captured by Indians ; A clever ruse secures my escape ; Stretching my mule ; Ambusing the pursuer ; Chief Satanta threatens the post ; Going on the war-path ; Dispatch bearer ; Off in the dark ; Stumbling onto a hornet's nest ; An interview with Sheridan ; A long ride ; A dangerous undertaking ; A provoking mule ; Getting satisfaction
Chapter XI. My appointment as chief of scouts ; Running into a band of Indians ; Bringing live buffaloes into camp ; A scared Irishman ; A lively shaking up ; In search of Indians ; A crack shot ; On the trail ; Out in a dry country ; Surprised by Indians
Chapter XII. A hard winter's campaign ; A rough march ; Making a break down a canyon ; A turkey hunt with clubs ; Rescue of a starving command ; Intercepting a beer train ; A free fight among the scouts
Chapter XIII. Accused of selling government horses ; Arrested and thrown into the guard house ; Captured by the colored troops ; Dispute over a telegram ; In pursuit of horse thieves ; The thieves run down ; Escape and wonderful flight of a thief ; An extraordinary run for liberty ; A successful break in the dark ; Breaking up the gang
Chapter XIV. A military expedition ; Mixed on the expenditures ; A big Indian trail ; Attack on the courier ; A lieutenant in sharp quarters ; Driving the enemy before us ; Re-enforced by Pawnee scouts ; A comical sight ; Battle between Sioux and Pawnees ; Buckskin Joe ; The Indians think better of me
Chapter XV. A desperate fight ; A charge through the Indian village ; Coralled by Indians ; Killing of the Chief Tall Bull ; Meeting with Ned Buntline ; Horse racing in the hostile country ; The trick of Powder-Face ; An interesting Indian tradition
Chapter XVI. Some pleasing novelties ; In pursuit of Indian horse thieves ; Two Indians bagged at a single shot ; A tough officer ; Pawnee Indians on guard duty ; A red hot situation ; Appointed justice of the peace ; A peculiar writ of replevin ; Performing a marriage ceremony ; A run for our lives
Chapter XVII. Entertaining a distinguished party ; Putting on a little style for the occasion ; An attack on the buffaloes ; An accident to Leonard Jerome ; Charged with a heinous offense ; Still pursuing the enemy ; Camp-fire chats ; A little joke on McCarthy ; Remains of the murdered Buck party ; Hunting with Grand Duke Alexis ; A visit to Spotted Tail ; They wanted to lift my hair ; Giving Duke Alexis the cue ; Killing his first buffalo ; Giving the Duke a shaking up ; Some presents from the duke
Chapter XVIII. Scouting in a swallow-tail outfit ; A great trip east ; Banqueted at Chicago ; A guest of the Union Club, New York ; A masquerade ball ; A fellow that looked like me ; My embarrassment at the theatre ; My first appearance on the stage ; Return to the West
Chapter XIX. Again on the Indian trail ; A charge on the Indians ; A sharp fight ; Wounded ; Hunting with an earl ; A party that Milligan refused to attend ; Roping a buffalo ; Elected to the legislature
Chapter XX. An actor ; Studying the parts ; Now, here's a how d'do ; Buntline's versatility ; The tide take at the flood ; A little funny business ; Criticisms of the press ; Lively experience of Wild Bill ; A hunt with Mr. Medley ; Guide to the Third Calvalry ; On the road again ; Death of my little pony
Chapter XXI. Scouting with the Fifth Cavalry ; Indian depredations ; Report of the Custer massacre ; Causes leading thereto ; Custer's reports ; Miners in the Black Hills ; Indians supplied with ammunition by the government ; War declared against the Sioux ; Movement of troops ; Crook attacked by Sitting Bull ; Custer selected to strike the blow ; Custer strikes the Indians ; Hoping against hope ; The massacre ; After the murderers of Custer ; A challenge ; My duel with Yellow Hand ; A moment of great danger ; The first scalp for Custer ; Again in pursuit of the Sioux ; A little dust causes an excitement ; Again on the trail
Chapter XXII. Dangerous work ; Scouting on a steamboat ; A ride through the bad lands ; A terrible journey ; Lying low ; Return to the mimic stage ; On a round-up ; Putting real Indians on the stage
The Wild West in England.

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