

A last look at the Cross-Up
Scout's Rest
Uncle Bill arrives
An unwilling scholar
A Cody Christmas
Back to Ma
A young cowboy at sea
Uncle Bill and I shake on it
I become a trouper
Suspicions start
We show in Europe
Cody vs Cody
Sagebrush cavalier
No time for grief
Cowboy bellhop
I pick my own poison
To close to death
The Colonel gives advice and takes it
With Pawnee Bill and his camels
From sawdust to sagebrush
Tammen gets his foot in the door
The auctioneer calls
The Sioux's last stand in cinema
A tired promoter without backers
Faltering giant
On Lookout Mountain lies a grave.

Illustrations: Ma's blue eyes were moist and her grasp on my shoulder tightened fiercely
"Is this cowboy going on my himself?"
The kind lady saw me working on it and she came and gave me a hand
She put it on a plate and turned
"Kin the Colonel shoot! Kin a fish swim? Kin a bird fly?"
"Oh!" he said. "You must be Carl Muller's boy. Howdy, son. I'm mighty glad t'see yuh"
"Did y'ever see an explosion? Well, that there bay jus' exploded"
"Injun hoss? I asks Grey Eagle. He grunts an' nods"
The horses kept up a steady, mile-eating pace all the way into town
Lonnie was shaken loose on the second jump. He hit the ground hard
I guess I was up before anyone Christmas morning
I drew a lot of quick pictures of Uncle Bill
"That's a shame Cody, but your show's a real money maker"
Mick was pretty good at swipin' things off the push carts
Raidin' Injuns ran off some hosses belongin' t'some nearby ranchers
My bullet hit the rear Injun, went through him, and into the one in front
Then he waited for the crowd to quiet before he swept off his now famous Stetson
Orapeso [Orapeza] showed me many little tricks with the reata
The poor cow lay on the barn floor and moaned out her pain
"She poisoned me, I tell yuh" Uncle Bill shouted, rising on an elbow
Uncle Bill had given him and four kings a wild stagecoach ride
He beamed at me. "Damn if I don't myself, Dan"
"It sure ain't doin' him any good," Tammen agreed. "Buffalo Bill is a world-wide institution"
Of course he was always an easy mark for anyone who asked for help
The wigmaker assured him that no one would ever know he had on a wig
"It jus' goes t'show yuh, Dan. If yuh're willin' t'be dirty yuh can get all the money yuh want."
I threw myself on my knees beside her bed and buried my face in the covers
I didn't look at him. I was beginning to feel ashamed at having failed to do my job well
I picked up a ride into town on a freighter's wagon
He threw back a tuft of his sandy hair and started to play the mouth organ
"The next time Charley sees 'im, Carl's got the Cross-Up brand on a fine roan gelding"
Smoky's eyes became mere slits. "Muller," he said, "yuh can't laugh yuhr way out o' this."
"Where yuh from?" the lawman asked
Another man, an expectant, fearful look around his eyes, held my horse's head
Finally Uncle bill smiled. "Do I recollect right? Yuh're nineteen now?"
"Dan," he would say his eyes pleading, "I'll be sick, boy"
We went together to Irontail's lodge. His copper-colored face was crinkled with pain
The hair-wet back was slippery. I felt myself flying through the air
That was Hightower's moment. He exploded, high, wide, and handsome
Besides, I got interested in one of the girls on the ranch
I bought two horses at a livery stable in Denver, and from there I struck out south
So Uncle Bill signed a note for another $20,000
"Oh, Bill," Tammen said, "I thought I'd ask about that note"
When Isham came to the block I was nearly sick with anger
I quietly climbed out of my blankets and drew my gun
"You speak with straight tongue," Irontail commented
Rheumatism made his mounting of Isham a nightmare
I learned that cattle and horses are worked differently in the Southwest than they are in the north country
At last I managed to get up the courage to offer the Colonel the little poke I'd been nursing.

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