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Computer Science
Color Multiscale Block-ZigZag LBP (CMB-ZZLBP): An Efficient and Discriminant Face Descriptor
1 Introduction
2 Related Works
3 Description of Descriptors
3.1 Multiscale Block-ZigZag LBP (MB-ZZLBP)
4 Experiments
4.1 Dataset Information
4.2 Feature Size Essentials with Respect to Evaluated Descriptors
4.3 Accuracy Analysis on Different Subsets
4.4 Accuracy Comparison with Literature Techniques
5 Conclusion and Future Prospect

Effect of Noise in the Quantum Network Implementation of Cop and Robber Game
1 Introduction
2 Quantum Version of Cop and Robber Game
3 Noise Models
3.1 Amplitude Damping (AD) Noise Model
3.2 Phase Damping (PD) Noise Model
4 Calculation and Analysis of Fidelity
4.1 Effect of Amplitude Damping (AD)
4.2 Effect of Phase Damping (PD)
5 Conclusion
Study of Decoherence in Quantum Cournot Duopoly Game Using Modified EWL Scheme
1 Introduction
2 Quantum Cournot Duopoly Game with Decoherence
2.1 Decoherence in Channel 1
2.2 Decoherence in Channel 2

3 Conclusion
A New Aggregation Operator for Single-Valued Triangular Neutrosophic Number in Decision-Making
1 Introduction
2 Preliminaries
3 SVTrN Generalized Ordered Weighted Harmonic Averaging Operator
4 MADM Problems with Neutrosophic Numbers
4.1 Numerical Example
5 Conclusion
Redundancy of Codes with Graph Constraints
1 Introduction
2 Linear Parity Check Codes with Graph Constraints
3 Fractional Graph Capacity
Tree Parity Machine-Based Symmetric Encryption: A Hybrid Approach
1 Introduction
1.1 Related Works

2 A Hybrid Method for Symmetric Encryption
2.1 Key Generation
3 Results, Training Time and Encryption Time
4 Security Analysis
4.1 NIST Statistical Test Results
4.2 Security Against Chosen Plaintext Attacks
4.3 Other Attacks
5 Comparison with Existing Works
6 Conclusion and Future Work
Metadata Analysis of Web Images for Source Authentication in Online Social Media
1 Introduction
1.1 State of the Art
2 Image Metadata
2.1 EXIF Metadata
2.2 IPTC Metadata
2.3 XMP Metadata
3 Experimental Validation
3.1 Date and Time
3.2 Copyright

3.3 GPS Coordinate
3.4 Contact Details
4 Proposed Solution
4.1 Watermark Insertion
4.2 Watermark Extraction
5 Result and Discussion
5.1 Limitation
6 Conclusion
A Computational Diffie-Hellman-Based Insider Secure Signcryption with Non-interactive Non-repudiation
1 Introduction
2 Preliminaries
2.1 Insider Security for SCNINR
3 The New Construction
4 Security of the mathcalSCedl Scheme
4.1 On the Concrete Choice of the Set of Domain Parameters
5 Comparison with Other Schemes

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