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Chapter 1. Introduction: The Time for Social and Political Transformation Based on the Environment is Now.
Chapter 2. Environmentalism and Political Ideologies
Chapter 3 Democracy, Citizenship and Nationalism in Environmental Political Theory
Chapter 4. Eco-anxiety and the Responses of Ecological Citizenship and Mindfulness
Chapter 5. Biosphere Breaking Bad: The Imperatives of Deep Adaptation
Chapter 6. Animal Citizens: Do We Need to Rethink the Status of Animals or Citizenship Itself?
Chapter 7. Degrowth: A State of Depense
Chapter 8. The Nature of the State: A Deep History of Agrarian Environmentalism
Chapter 9. The Environmental Political Role of Counter-Hegemonic Environmental Ethics: Replacing Supremacist Ethics and Connecting Environmental Politics, Environmental Political Theory and Environmental Sciences
Chapter 10. Critical Feminism: A Feminist Environmental Research Network (FERN) for Collaborative and Relational Praxis
Chapter 11. Property and the Anthropocene: Why Power on Things is Central to Our Ecological Predicament
Chapter 12. Ecosystem Policy and Law: A Philosophical Argument for the Anticipatory Regulation of Environmental Risk, etc.

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