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Conference Committees
Environmental Pollution Analysis and Pollution Treatment
A Study of Arsenic Extraction Efficiency from Heavy Metal Contaminated Soils
1 Introduction
2 Materials and Methods
2.1 Soil Samples
2.2 Extraction
2.3 Statistical Analysis
3 Results
4 Conclusions
Design of a Rushton Turbine for the Improvement of the Bioreactor in the Wastewater Treatment Plant in the City of Morococha (Carhuacoto)-Peru
1 Introduction
1.1 Environmental Standards in Peru
2 Methodology
2.1 Final Indicators

3 Results
3.1 SBR Reactor Analysis
3.2 Diagram Your Capabilities
3.3 Turbine Analysis
3.4 Overall Dimensions
3.5 Effluent Quality
4 Conclusions
Numerical Analysis of Ferro-Alumino-Zirconium Particle Sedimentation Under Passive Waste Pre-treatment Scenario
1 Introduction
2 Numerical Methodology
2.1 Cylindrical Cavity
2.2 Cylindrical-Trapezoidal Cavity
3 Results and Discussion
4 Conclusion
Mining Environmental Liability and Its in Situ Treatment with Calcium Oxide for Zinc Removal
1 Introduction
2 Methods and Materials

2.1 Study Area
2.2 Sampling Method
2.3 Maximum Allowable Limit
3 Laboratory Analysis
3.1 Preparation of Quicklime
3.2 Calcium Oxide Effect
4 Statistical Analysis
5 Results
5.1 Analysis of Variance
6 Discussion of the Results
7 Conclusion
Ecological Environment Protection and Sustainable Development
The Dalcahue Fire Risk Prevention Plan as a Restorer of the Landscape and Degradation
1 Introduction
2 Theoretical Framework
3 Methodology
4 Results
5 Conclusions

The Vulnerability of the Environmental Resources of the Arganeraie Biosphere Reserve
Souss Massa and Its Resilience for Sustainable Development
1 Introduction
1.1 Study Area
2 Diagnosis and Condition of Natural Resources in the ABR Souss Massa
2.1 Condition of Water Resources: Significant Hydraulic Capital
2.2 Condition of the Soil: Wealth with High Agricultural Potential
2.3 The Biodiversity and Endemic Resources of the ABR-SM
3 Pressure on the Environmental Resources: What're the Degradation Factors? For Which Impact?

3.1 Pressure on Water Resources: Precipitation Alarming Situation [11]
3.2 Factors of Soil Degradation by Desertification Effect
3.3 Pressure on Forest Resources and Biodiversity
4 The Environmental Management of the ABR-SM: Between Institutionalization and Resilience for Sustainable Development
4.1 Moroccan Regulatory and Legislative Arsenal and the Challenges of Application
4.2 At the Institutional Level
4.3 Resilience and Perspectives of Sustainable Development
5 Conclusion

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