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Hybrid Approaches
The PSyKE technology for Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence
A Declarative Approach to Contrast Pattern Mining
Graphs and Networks
Approximate Inference in Probabilistic Answer Set Programming for Statistical Probabilities
Decision Trees with a Modal Flavor
Assisted Process Knowledge Graph Building Using Pre-Trained Language Models
Neural Networks Reduction via Lumping
Knowledge Enhanced Neural Networks for relational domains
Logic Tensor Networks for Top-N Recommendation
Multiagent Systems
A Review of the Muddy Children Problem
Multi-Agent Cooperative Argumentation in Arg2P
Ethics by Design for Intelligent and Sustainable Adaptive systems
Automated Planning and Scheduling
Verification of Numeric Planning Problems through Domain Dynamic Consistency
Comparing Multi-Agent Path Finding Algorithms in a Real Industrial Scenario
Logic-Based Ethical Planning
A Hybrid Recommender System with Implicit Feedbacks in Fashion Retail
Incremental Timeline-based Planning for Efficient Plan Execution and Adaptation
Knowledge Acquisition and Completion for Long-Term Human-Robot Interactions using Knowledge Graph Embedding
Construct, Merge, Solve and Adapt Applied to a Bus Driver Scheduling Problem with Complex Break Constraints
Topic Modelling and Frame identification for Political Arguments
Substitute plastic film with Kraft paper in automatic pallet wrapping: an AI pipeline
AI Applications
Transformer Based Motion In-Betweening
A Logic-based Tool for Dynamic Generation and Classification of Music Content
Why Can Neural Networks Recognize Us by Our Finger Movements?
Labelled Sequent Calculi for Conditional Logics: Conditional Excluded Middle and Conditional Modus Ponens finally together
Deep learning for ECoG brain-computer interface: end-to-end vs hand-crafted features
Quantum Circuit Compilation for the Graph Coloring Problem
Toward a Heterogeneous Multi-Robot Framework for Priority-Based Sanitization of Railway Stations
Simulated Annealing for the Home Healthcare Routing and Scheduling Problem
MAP Inference in Probabilistic Answer Set Programs
Verifying a stochastic model for the spread of a SARS-CoV-2-like infection: opportunities and limitations
Natural Language Processing
DelBERTo: a Deep Lightweight Transformer for Sentiment Analysis
A BERT-based Scoring System for Workplace Safety Courses in Italian
Embedding Contextual Information in seq2seq models for Grounded Semantic Role Labeling
Keynote talk. -Adventures with Datalog: Walking the Thin Line Between Theory and Practice.

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